Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Headphoneby Referee Fifa

every individual has the right to be considered technically wave technology

Navigating the network and the Internet ocean, I found a blog called Chez Orefëa . In it, I read a post which appears quite ingenious Universal Declaration on the Rights of Physicians.

Among the rights, the number nine: "Any individual has the right to be considered as a wave" . This is based on a principle of quantum mechanics. Matter can be described as a set of particles, corpuscles or balls, or as waves. Albert Einstein, who in 1905 explained the photoelectric effect (the emission of electrons from a material when illuminated by electromagnetic radiation . That is, a metal plate is illuminated with visible or ultraviolet light, and observed how some electrons jump or follow from the plate by generating an electrical current. This experiment raised concerns with the concept of light that was in the early twentieth century. At those times was considered a wave. While performing this experiment, however, seemed to behave as a set of particles) based on wave-particle duality. That's why, when we study light in school, we define it as something formed by particles, photons , traveling in a straight line at high speed (300.000Km / s) and a wave.

Why in our daily lives we do not observe this duality? Because the wavelength of the particles is inversely proportional to the size of these. Thus, as the objects we observe in our daily life are quite large, their wavelengths are sensitive. On the other hand, acceptable lengths waves behave as infinitely small particles. For now, physicists / as only been able to observe both types of behavior in objects very, very small as photons or electrons.

But ultimately, they know the particles, which have every right to be considered a ladies waves, small, tiny, imperceptible, but waves.

Monday, January 19, 2009

How Far Can A Man Ejaculate

What is technology? The technology comes from the Greek word and is formed by tekne meaning art, skill or craft and logo, set of knowledge. Is defined as the set of abilities to make objects and machines to adapt the environment and meet our needs. But we are confident that the technology is not yet beyond a simple construction?

technology appeared in my path name relatively recently. I will not deny that as many of my generation I grew up watching television, I heated water in a microwave for many years I have mobile phone. But when I say that I was presented with names, I mean I started to teach technology as a high school teacher, already more than a year ago to draft and publish a newsletter on line related to the world of information technology The + LSI , and even participated in weekly technology podcast blog Mossega La Poma.

In these years, I discovered that the technology is more than the development of artifacts. The technology gives theoretical and practical answers to questions such as What is a computer? An electronic machine that receives and processes data into information useful. However, you can go much further ... The technology creates new realities and open doors previously unavailable to new areas of scientific and technological research.

There are researchers who, like Mel Slater, create virtual reality computer and study the real human reaction to stimuli virtual machine. Mel is interested in knowing what makes people connect with an unreal world, the virtual world. To accomplish this goal of scientists working with mixed groups consisting of engineers, psychologists and neuroscientists. Not long ago, the talented scientific team that organized a Science Night at Razzmatazz, where anyone could enjoy an evening a bit different. Participating in games of perception and learning about DNA.

During this time, I have also met a new concept of innovation: Everything for the people and the people. Esteve Almirall, among others, is one of the English pioneers a new approach to innovation. Pose user involvement in the process of research and production, encourage the Catalan society to become an innovative society and commit to a new economic model. All this revolution have called Living Labs

Yes, it is true that more and more, technology is present in our daily actions. A activities that define us as human beings is the ability to learn. And I've known people like Marc Alier, who dare to combine technology and learning. Marc presents us with issues such as: How to learn via the web? Are blogs a possible source of knowledge? And I know me, I'd like Newton's Mandarin could give rise to reflection, entertainment, discussion, and perhaps even learning ...

I have also closely followed Christian Blum, that those who study and learn to shape their algorithms, ant. For him, Nature is a rich source of inspiration for computer science.

Ants, learning, society, perceptions, intelligent agents, Assembers 1620, asynchronous circuits, parametrizaje models of the environment, environment ... all this and more can be technically technology. Think how to develop it, how to implement it, what changes occur in humanity and move the plane disquisitions virtual technology can also be ... Technically, the technology could be, simply, a new point of view, the technology, but that I leave it open to debate. I'm sure there are technologists with varied and contrasting opinions that can help me better understand my original question what is technology?