Sunday, December 13, 2009

Milena Velba New Vids

Identification of the sides

• If we refer to coins or medals, its sides are identified as follows: Front or face
: Surface, head side to bring the bust of a person or otherwise.
Reverse, reverse, cross, opposite the face

• But if we refer to cloth, paper or table:
Law: The side that has to be seen, which appears in the work and color to perfection.
Reverse: Back or opposite of something.

• But if it leaves (foliage), says:
Make: upper face.
back: lower face, opposite to the beam.

• If you print a sheet or other material, it is said:
kick: Side principal or initial.
Withdrawal: Secondary side or below.

is important to consider that some of these words have other meanings, they relate only to identify the sides. Concepts taken


Make My Wedding Framed Seat Chart

Libelulaverde Visit! Consuelo

The author of the blog in question, is a young Salvadoran intellectual, beautiful and in principle, tender as your heart, educated as his intellect, fine treatment, fresh and spontaneous smile that comes from his lips, and above all, a writer of high value, integral exhibiting the art of his poetry, young professional graduate, a tireless reader, graphic design studios, dedicated to both their intellectual work as household chores ... AC

How To Clean A Burnt Wok


I am of those who have chosen once and for all the way to the treasure, but the treasure itself. Willingly go with the adventurer that you ignored way to a treasure, and I will most dangerous paths, if I feel the force of the dream man. I like the energy of action that gives the treasury, and that is for me the treasure, build a city, creating a movement to unite humans, keep the faith one day achieve something higher than ourselves.


Friday, December 11, 2009

Bipasha Basu Kardashian


You will have seen that some days I do not write anything on the blog. And not that it is idle, or lazy, or that Mandarin is petrified ... Quite the contrary. The Mandarin is awake and more energetic than ever, but is ... We're moving!

Yes, movements, births, reinvention ... The Tangerine Newton reinvented in a more professional, but keep a blog Mandarin with no objective and vision science always personalized, as I have been offering up this blog today.

In January you can follow the post of mandarin ila formats WordPress . But you only find in a new format for the blog, you can also include a new meaning to your relationship with the Mandarin, because from the February 4 issue started a fortnightly podcast, science in Catalan. I say started because I will not be alone. Raimon Lapuente Tomàs Manzanares and join me and guide me in the more technical parts of the process.

But would the Super-Mouse:

- Do not go yet, there's more!

Before the first podcast out on the air, the Mandarin Newton and presentations will be held two luxury. The first will be held on January 4 , when he was born the famous physicist and mathematician, Isaac Newton, at 18h in Citilab Cornellà. The second will be hosted by the Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB ) next January 27 to 19h .

These two meetings will consist of a performance workshop where they will show some experiments "Newtonian", a presentation of Newton the Mandarin Mandarin and a toast.

For those who would pique the curiosity, the Mandarin Newton is a project that combines science and technology with other disciplines to create activities, exhibitions, events and recreational and educational objects, to encourage diverse audiences to be curious, innovative, participatory and promotes knowledge of a subject. born full of hope. Want to get all the juice to science and technology and is willing to explore the possibility of working with a variety of formats .

If you want to know more, you have to come and share the birth of such desired entrepreneurship or follow shortly on the new website of Newton Tangerine! Something with so much juice ... I do not miss it! Do you guys own? See 4 and January 27 New Year 2010!

Happy New Year and that you fulfill all those wishes that you left unfinished in 2009!