Friday, December 31, 2010

Headphone Brain Cancer


Say that the purposes "añonueveros" is usually a fucking the falling just stupid, and that the next New Year's Eve what we say is ... more Well, okay, this year has been ... BUT THAT BEGINS NOW ...!" . All pure hoax, as you probably know most. I have this year two literary purposes and two outside literature. In the last two is absurd to say anything, because they are relevant. And as for the two that have to do with the leaves fill cascoporro are:

1) Write a story week. I know, I'm loquísimo, but as I have stories to fulfill the remaining collections my life XD

2) Write three novels . One of them has been started (took about 50 pages), the other is more a collection of short stories linked by a thematic thread, so you can combine in order number 1. The other would have to start from scratch, so I'll have me a class schedule.

hang it here as an experiment for next year to see if I met the two goals either a greater or lesser degree and total degree, which would be his. So I can see as far as my ability to make promises. Or to write and post. Interestingly last year also hung a Year greetings expressing my motivations "Scriptwriter, but this year upload this with intentions " self-challenging. " to see such.

Meanwhile, a great new year christmas the great Sergio Bleda , shamelessly swiped the blog of writer Francisco Javier Perez . And they pass you well in this new decade.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Princess 3rd Birthday


and on the comments:

Well OK, I'll comment. It's funny how are you photographs taken in the 1880's are present in its conception as "flawed", closer to the post-modern art to the pre-Raphaelite image that Cameron wanted to imitate. Uneven corners, dirt on the lenses focus images. Whether it was a visionary who wanted to do something different in the genre, and so duly booed her contemporaries, "or because their inexperience" amateur "has resulted in these portraits so faded and original, the important thing is that we have a very early masterpieces of photographic art.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gsoulsilver Shinystone


echoing an old Internet joke at the expense of the French football team, we will discuss an interesting case has recently come to my tired eyes.

Before, we had the following:

EDITIONS OF "Wuthering Heights" and "Pride and Prejudice" OF EDITORIAL CHAIR (Free Universal)

Profusely annotated with a rich introductory essay on the works of Jane Austen and Emily Bronte including their biographies. Illustrations of the time, additions and essays on the historical context, in addition to performances on the theme of the respective works.

And now we have ...


With the work a capella, a red and black covers game with tetralogy "Twilighters" , a label on the back that highlights the passion of these works, the couple fell in love with vampire-hysterical fashion saga that heading "Favorite Books De .." show that these two things written back in the Pleistocene can still appeal to today's teenagers.

- upshot of all this?


Monday, November 15, 2010

Pendrive Viruscleaner.vbe

"The Mandrake" (1911) has been in the history of literature as a footnote to the page in the turbulent evolution of literary terror, we of course a morass of immortal short stories, novels, myth, etc ... where it is very difficult in a glorious note. It is a recognized work in circles of fans of the genre, a book of worship that many people have heard about but may not have been so read. To make matters worse, the two best editions of the work (Alfaguara and Valdemar ) are, unless I am mistaken, or about to be discontinued, so I recommend to any fan of the genre that has not read it yet to run at for some copies. Not Dracula , although Ewers prose is sometimes more twisted and morbid than Stoker, nor Frankenstein although the issue of creating an artificial being with dire consequences are taken to a new level by the author. And speaking of the author ... Hence if there are material to cut.

German Hanns Heinz Ewers (1871-1943) was a restless writer. Poet, storyteller, songwriter sinister satire and fables, philosopher and opera librettist as well interested in the occult. In fact corresponded frequently with the beast in person: Aleister Crowley . He was also one of the first writers to collaborate with the emerging art of film, developing the script for "The Student of Prague" , an early silent classics of the macabre, Poe adapted to . In his spare time was devoted to espionage, to nomadism love traveling and Greek. And finally to fix it, was an incipient Nazi-party collaborator attracted by the philosophy of nationalism épico/germano-, only to be kicked out of himself for his lack of anti-Semitism and his penchant for sodomy. Result? Despite being vindicated by renowned writers such as Dashiell Hammett or HP Lovecraft, his books were systematically ignored in the post-(second) World War, ending with the poor reputation and he was ostracized from dark scribes, "weirdos" occult y. .. in short, pure worship. And to this day.

Although "The Mandrake" (original title "Alraune" ) be part of a kind of trilogy that features a Frank Braun , can be read independently without any problems. The said Braun is an alter-ego's own Ewers, namely, widely traveled, philosopher and scoundrel carefully. On this occasion, is dedicated to inspiring the creation of a new baby via artificial insemination. The time was to blend this concept with the classic genre of "mad doctors", but in a totally amoral, 100% black and morbid. The home of the scientist in question, Dr. Be familiar Brinken crazy goat-Braun is a hive of denatured relatives each more bizarre and malicious, full of legal tricks and lust hidden. A perfect breeding ground for the concept of the unnatural daughter-product of mixing the sperm of a hanged man in the womb of a prostitute, "is conceived. The plan is to create a child of perfect horror. An evil being born, educated in evil and propagator of it in a series of ironic prints Traditionalists will go from one side to another of the German social scale before the war causing suicides, ruining fortunes, dishonoring eminent men and all without ever see his reputation damaged. In fact, all falling under the spell of his eyes grim
just entering the fires of hell with the greatest love for her. As sated satisfied after a dangerous but lovely addiction.

The genius of the story is, apart from its frenzied pace does not let up, is the apparent absence of terrifying atmosphere. More than a work of horror this is a modernized Gothic tale that uses the classical sources and nature of medieval horrors unleashed to weave a parody of some aspects of German society of the time involved in a language of decadence "pulp" high voltage. The very Alraune (perfidious because they have done so) enter into the tradition "vamp" deceitful and malignant of female snakes, prototype fear of "vagina dentata" so many rivers of ink were afraid to run to some scholars. But one thing that distinguishes "The Mandrake" from other exponents of the narrative "grotesque" first-century-style Keeler, for instance something far away in miles and intentions, is that poetic language that is clear many of the paragraphs. Ewers get frightened and repulsed, but without abandoning certain lyricism that creeps into descriptions of formalin, alcohol smelling slums and dark forests of rain wet grass. Each page of the book contains at least one twisted link, a sentence or paragraph that invite the unrest, while we can not fail to be entranced by a narrative almost perfect in its study and precious banality. Sinister adventures, comedy, an almost necrophiliac eroticism and sleaze that more than one should not really understand at the time of publication of the novel.

In closing, I leave two samples of the excellent scholarship of blogs and Grandpa's Attic Signor Formica, that need no introduction and will for more information on this damned and magnificent work. For an excellent biography of Mr. Ewers is nothing better than this link:


in which you enteraréis of the dirt and literary character of this claim. And if you review a movie based on his magnum opus, here you will find: UNNATURAL

Because, in effect, despite its cult status little book, "The Mandrake" has been adapted films do not one, not two, but five times! (Mostly in the window period) and outlined above, involving protagonist of Eric Von Stroheim himself . Here you will find more information and I can not but leave you with some of the most beautiful posters of the adaptations.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sony Dvd Dvp Sr200p Change Resolution


you find it in the movies, books, comics, home on any shelf in any conversation with half a brain. I wish I could reach 160 years in the enviable way this man has come.

A genius drawn by another genius: the great Joe Kubert .

Today is not exactly my birthday (the Monday), but I celebrate today by my colleague brindaré horoscope.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Driver Letöltése 7st-dh-005


This is the spectacular final title of the book of William Hope Hodgson that Valdemar released this month to the delight of us all, fans of the best tale of maritime terror and prophets tireless faith in Hodgson , god of the genre. Such is the emotion that I learned about the news blogger Here is my answer, even though the only image of "cool" seems to cover, it's that scrawny:

Available now for pre-order at

The receptacles collected almost 800 pages ALL maritime horror stories that came out of the nebula and saline mind of the great English writer. Considering they are about 30 and until now remained unpublished in Spain more than half, added the fact that this edition includes extras such as poems by the author, a logbook that Hodgson himself was in one of his trips and even a selection of his best pictures (art also cultivated with great tact) as the volume is ESSENTIAL . Yours truly has the works Complete this man in English, in an edition of five books published by Nightshade Books ) - and yet this gem will fall too.

"And men, infected by my fear,
rowed to within a few minutes, we were
-to twenty meters from the ship.
There was a pause.
- Take offshore Williams," I cried, frantic
the thing that I had found.
offshore Take! "

Sunday, October 24, 2010

What Is A Funny Movie That Shows A Lot Of Boobs


For the year we'll have the film version that Martin Campbell has made the adventures of Green Lantern first of all, Mr. Hal Jordan. "The case for the proposal? Campbell himself first, that while real attacks has shot film (read "The Legend of Zorro" ) has also shot films excellent, and some could even be described as jewel-like his two forays into or James Bond almost unnoticed "Full Throttle" . There is a strong director Nolan authorial style or Arronofsky , but it is a good craftsman specializing in film scripts pulperos and addictive.

Then we have a pretty interesting cast headed by Ryan Reynolds just amazed us with his role in "Buried" and Mark Strong you know give the legendary charisma villanesca Sinestro. But besides these advantages, which a priori even be seen as remaining in the final product, we have some designs for sets, costumes and more junk we could call ... Martians! The mythology of the body of Green Lanterns in the DC Universe is a cosmogony of planets, universes, alien races that involve a long line of characters and, all of which, it seems that we will have accomplished representation in the film. The first developments show passed a new interpretation through the filter of the most bizarre three-dimensionality, typical of the worlds from which it is assumed. For example, the classic suit from the owner, its mesh Habitability superheroes ...

circuit is transformed into a light emitting nerve endings, according to the nature of the susadicha alien attire, above, is the product of the power of the ring:

And speaking of the ring, pussy Traditional battery that recharges your cosmic hero weapon ...

also comply, film design, with the appearance "other worlds" that they do in an artifact created by agencies of the deepest galaxy:

The latest images appeared in the form of "Concept Art" the planet Oa , residence the guardians of the power of green light, they also make very good taste:

Anyway, hope and desire that at last a DC hero who is neither Superman or Batman finally have a stronger presence in the film industry, cornered by the two ubiquitous icons of the company. The announcement of projects Flash and even Wonder Woman (as a series by David Kelley ) give some hope in this regard. At the moment, "Green Lantern" has been awarded at the "Scream Awards" as the most anticipated film of next year. We'll see.

Reynolds and battery in the "Scream Awards"

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What Is The Best Dashboard Conditioner?


Yes, it happened today I'm meeting a friend to review the recent and magnificent, of course-version BBC (this year) of "Murder on the Orient Express" is that I find that meet 120 years of the birth of Agatha Christie . Toast with a cocktail by the fireplace, beside which you can find a corpse poisoned or stabbed in the back, and celebrate the birthday of the Queen "whodunit."

no mistake. The truth is that a child has already foreshadowed that fallen behind those eyes lay a twisted mind ready to plan thousands of murders.