Monday, April 26, 2010

Volleyball Spandex - Cameltoe


Note 1: This entry on the surreal adventures of Kim Bauer be illustrated with suggestive poses of the actress who plays her, which I thought was more interesting than dull to catch the chapters. If in doubt consult your pharmacist feminist.

Go ahead I've only seen the first two seasons "24" pastiche -adrenalin and police intelligence and charisma to play patriotic eighties, and while I enjoyed as escapist Despiporre are, I could not avoid referring to storyline that follows in this second season the main character's daughter: Kim Bauer (played by Elisha Cuthber ). The trend towards more difficult, or "to see what new ways can we pass whores hacerselas the characters" not only get to the limit of patience (or masochism) of the spectators, but also reaches-in For Ms. Bauer-surreal new levels of bullshit that out of place in any of abortions Jesus Franco. As in this blog prefer analogies Carrollian -and now that is fashionable Alicia world and Wonderland with the latest Tim Burton soplapollez of , we review the crazy adventures of Alice Kim on the wild america jabberwock capitalism. And if not, the parrot:

Warning 2: Steps giving Kim Bauer in this season of "24" will reflect the movements of chess Alice "Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There ". Those scholars who have been arguing for some critical issues that the movements of the pieces on the novel by Lewis Carroll no sense, perhaps should take a look at this saga of "24" to discover the true meaning of meaninglessness.

SOME SPOILERS "That's right, rather ridiculous-OF THE SECOND SEASON OF 24 (Who does not want to read further explore the images)


to see. Theoretically will explode a nuclear bomb in Los Angeles, so the illustrious Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland more pissed off than ever) tells her daughter, which is not on very good terms, which eirp the city. The girl, In addition to exercising the baby to be saved in each season, is earning a nanny for Styes making a marriage in crisis. But Kim does not realize until about the end of the first chapter, the type of crisis that we are talking about. In fact, the husband, a madman with a sinister air Dexter, is that he spends his free time handing ostia between his wife and daughter, which, in a fit of nanny- courage Bauer kidnaps the youngest of marital home to get her away from the clutches of such abuse. Is not it great coincidence that the same day that bundling cipostio atomic bomb, forcing Jack Bauer out of their retirement-home cipostio is another bundle in which the daughter of the above is involved? Well if it seems odd you wait events.

Because there is the fact that the chick can not think of anything else to escape to steal the car to the abuser of wife and daughters, recruit Hispanic boyfriend home because of paint seems so Yankee-like others legs and out of state. And in this state of affairs is that the random strikes again, a cop on the highway for speeding. Well, the fine for running it is not removed or Perry Mason but that seem little when the agent has given the high (a classic specimen with hat and belly) discovered in the trunk ... The body of the wife of the abuser! The man, now a full-blown psycho, suggests that his wife has charged the babysitter buzzed stolen cars, so Kim will play some hours-that is, some episodes "of interrogation and police pressure. The girl and her boyfriend take it away gets the hump. That dog's life. But do not go yet, there's more.

Kim's boyfriend, who is also silly boat, while suggesting they are in the squad car light a Cerillita and cause an accident to escape (they are accused of murder , but also they know that a bomb hanging over their heads, so the pressure is notorious). Said and done. For some not charged to the high driving donuts and painfully over the Spaniard injured in the collision. Kim makes his second move and goes into a lush, dark and suspicious forest. I suppose I had better places to go, but do not forget that our heroine is not afraid of anything.

A chance, not content with putting a nanny Kim psycho and put the corpse of his wife in the stolen car that leads the poor, would think that would make Kim came to a mysterious hut which inhabits a less suspicious individual will not (Armed with cap) who invites her to flee with him. The kid has a bunker in his basement with guns, bombs and machine guns to participate in the third world war, because he says it is cautious. Not only our heroine proves its worth accepting the proposition of such rough-character, but over access to use their shower and then appear in your living room with a shirt that makes her nipples stuck so exciting. Sending hidden messages that any psycho hillbilly cabin in the forest know as easily interpret "Behold your new victim" . "After this the Kim suffered its exotic behavior wise up and run away at full speed for this chamber of horrors? No! The type of livestock tells a story "that the bomb has exploded, because the radio does not capture more than static, and invites them both to get in the bunker (closed and bolted) to protect themselves from fallout . Ole, Kim!

Luckily the cap proves to be just a bull in search of love and understanding, so Kim gets farruca, he grabs a gun and takes off in pursuit new horizons. What awaits our gallant hero? Will you leave the fate of putting it into the spotlight of the most bizarre coincidences? Hold on coming curves. The girl runs into a gas station that runs on another subject with the look of raping children in his spare time, but Kim gets that, despite the late hour, the type of leave to enter the gas station toilet. Not without closing the door locked ... Have you entered the poor girl in another cave of snakes? Well, not really. But once again a dramatic dash turn gets to leave us with wide eyes. Just when Kim is jumping on the pants and is about to take off the place, there is a Hispanic who wants to get mad at the pump by force. The child rapist Nanay says that this is no time, but the boy, soon to discover that it is even more imbecile than the previous plot-Hispanic has his pregnant wife in the car and just breaking the glass entrance, threatening the gas station and Kim, back in the middle of all fronts.

Damn lucky! As Hamlet would say , but you have to be a runaway girl , so to go through with, and breasts, Eliza Cuthbert means a while. The gas station attendant called police, police mysteriously appears and Hispanic-time struggles with the gas station for possession of gun Kim and produced a shot. The Spaniard, who just wanted a few things last minute, has been charged with a man accident, hostage Kim has a bit of force and police all sites zone. Who is he that is in the wrong place at the wrong time? We have three options:

A) The kooks Hispanic : To have a misunderstanding when he went to buy supplements, is encuenta become a murderer and kidnapper.
B) Kim Bauer: That this stage is already a veteran of appearing as if by magic, where more trouble there.
C) viewer: That has, for several episodes wondering if the writer is being nasty to him and if it might not be better elsewhere before seeing this bunch of crap.

Luckily everything has an end. Kim escapes, runs to the police and rescues them. The Hispanic and she is captured, once the murderer is found that the woman in the cargo compartment other than her husband was the perpetrator, is set free at last. But a final twist of fate awaits the unfortunate Kim.


Yes, finally finished this journey of frustration, absurd coincidences and encounters in phase with Kim bastard in the hands of the cops and being returned under the protective mantle of his father. We're in episode 22 or so and there are only two hours to finish this ratatouille and then the worthy Yankee has no better idea to make Kim collected his belongings from the house where he was employed at the beginning of history. What you guess who shows up there right at the very moment when Kim walks through the door? The perpetrator murderer, of course! Is quickly charged to single agent has sent to escort Kim and returns to threaten the life of the girl who gets into more scrubbed from Helen of Troy. This really is a Deus Ex Machina and the rest is nonsense. So that nothing touches running again and meet in final duel with the sinister chavalote at a time when the frame in which matter to us and all three cucumbers and all we can do, rather than surprise or excite us to danger, is Descojonado nonstop.

Anyway, that's all folks. I have a theory that one of the two writers of the show dealt with the story of Jack Bauer and the nuclear threat in Los Angeles while the other is what happened pump-pun intended-with a few adventures, Kim, who nor have hilazón do with the main plot, or any kind of meaning or narrative coherence, and nothing would happen if you removed the footage from the series. And, despite the stupidity of this whole sub-plot, this blog is also characterized by inconsistency, the nonsense and absurdity as a flag, I had to spend a tribute to such a string of blunders. Worthy of being part of the best theater of the absurd of all time.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Prepaid Visa Card In Calgary


BLOGUEANTES NOTICE: reviewer begins a series on the latest fantastic English writers. As it seems that rumor says that gender is mysteriously on the rise among our young writers, thinking I know what the hell is all this stuff and I went agency the books "cool" the time to document . Be patient, as this chronicle of reviews will expand the same way that my reading pile grows yet up to the Orion Nebula, but the first time you touched my scrutiny has been the following ...

No, by God, another apocalyptic novel noo! In this time when the Armageddon, natural disasters, human mutated after absorbing the effects of a nuclear cochinadita and other events related to the end of the world are overwhelmed with bookstores, such as movies, including classics of the Victorian era, a server is already up so much jobols 2012 for breakfast. But novels like "The End" Galician David Monteagudo, shows that there are possibilities to address the issue of how not only innovative, within a framework deceptively trite-but also quite enjoyable.

On the subject innovation, is starting to read the book and say "... this is more seen Verano Azul" , but the feeling lasts only two chapters. We have a group of friends who shared their first experiences together in a country house and, like actors "Deliverance" decide to meet again in the same place when they are a forties-minded old-threaded sixtysomethings to see how they are doing and remember the old and happier times. A country residence, a starry night and a motley crew of characters who are going to be presented alternately (a chapter for each partner), talking on the phone finalizing details and end up going by car through the night to reach the right place. And, to add salsa to the case, it happened in the past SOMETHING between them related to a bad joke to a group SOMEONE, I was a little buzzed and, whatever it is that this small group will the kid did was quite unfortunate. Perhaps even traumatic for the eccentric and mysterious character who, incidentally, is not clear whether it will attend the house or not. Echoes of "Evil Dead" , "You Know What You Did Last Summer" , "A Valentine Death" and 200 movies we come to mind in these early pages.

does not help that these characters meet a classic well-defined roles and we are going as they occur by checking the facts on which the work is. We have an incorrigible-a typical irony that does not stop making jokes, "a big woman of her house, and therefore could not be more soda, the mysterious book that does not really know he's done with his life and whose also hides a secret companion, or even the cantankerous inevitable that missing, it is a facade unbearable. In these cases the best thing you can do is let go and see if this is going somewhere and the topics will eventually disappear or at least fading in a frame the less fun. And this is the case. The fourth chapter the lack of originality you care three cucumbers and what plays is to let you drag Monteagudo a runaway roller coaster narrative, entertaining and absorbing. On the history

I will not comment much because not much is happening and why it happens little gut would not be fair to a book like this. But if I repeat that well into the book the topics we do not care, lack of frantic action ceases to be a problem when he tells a story with a pulse that is told this and that the characters-as topics including a first and superficial glance, just cayéndote very grace and making you worry about your destination. As for what happens to them ... reading reviews on the Internet is clear that more than one felt cheated with this novel, but it is better to see "End" as a quasi-dream story rather than a history of current-mill apocalypse . The prose is just as enjoyable without you give all the answers in a truism best-seller " so we tend to mascaditas that sometimes seems to take us by assholes.

The so-Monteagudo, age similar to the characters of his novel, has started to publish books after years of toil, until he quit his job in a cardboard factory. We are promised a new manuscript yours for this year, which will have a much bigger story nineteenth century with a "werewolf" involved. We'll have an eye, because my "End" has convinced me. So ...