Sunday, October 24, 2010

What Is A Funny Movie That Shows A Lot Of Boobs


For the year we'll have the film version that Martin Campbell has made the adventures of Green Lantern first of all, Mr. Hal Jordan. "The case for the proposal? Campbell himself first, that while real attacks has shot film (read "The Legend of Zorro" ) has also shot films excellent, and some could even be described as jewel-like his two forays into or James Bond almost unnoticed "Full Throttle" . There is a strong director Nolan authorial style or Arronofsky , but it is a good craftsman specializing in film scripts pulperos and addictive.

Then we have a pretty interesting cast headed by Ryan Reynolds just amazed us with his role in "Buried" and Mark Strong you know give the legendary charisma villanesca Sinestro. But besides these advantages, which a priori even be seen as remaining in the final product, we have some designs for sets, costumes and more junk we could call ... Martians! The mythology of the body of Green Lanterns in the DC Universe is a cosmogony of planets, universes, alien races that involve a long line of characters and, all of which, it seems that we will have accomplished representation in the film. The first developments show passed a new interpretation through the filter of the most bizarre three-dimensionality, typical of the worlds from which it is assumed. For example, the classic suit from the owner, its mesh Habitability superheroes ...

circuit is transformed into a light emitting nerve endings, according to the nature of the susadicha alien attire, above, is the product of the power of the ring:

And speaking of the ring, pussy Traditional battery that recharges your cosmic hero weapon ...

also comply, film design, with the appearance "other worlds" that they do in an artifact created by agencies of the deepest galaxy:

The latest images appeared in the form of "Concept Art" the planet Oa , residence the guardians of the power of green light, they also make very good taste:

Anyway, hope and desire that at last a DC hero who is neither Superman or Batman finally have a stronger presence in the film industry, cornered by the two ubiquitous icons of the company. The announcement of projects Flash and even Wonder Woman (as a series by David Kelley ) give some hope in this regard. At the moment, "Green Lantern" has been awarded at the "Scream Awards" as the most anticipated film of next year. We'll see.

Reynolds and battery in the "Scream Awards"