Friday, December 31, 2010

Headphone Brain Cancer


Say that the purposes "añonueveros" is usually a fucking the falling just stupid, and that the next New Year's Eve what we say is ... more Well, okay, this year has been ... BUT THAT BEGINS NOW ...!" . All pure hoax, as you probably know most. I have this year two literary purposes and two outside literature. In the last two is absurd to say anything, because they are relevant. And as for the two that have to do with the leaves fill cascoporro are:

1) Write a story week. I know, I'm loquísimo, but as I have stories to fulfill the remaining collections my life XD

2) Write three novels . One of them has been started (took about 50 pages), the other is more a collection of short stories linked by a thematic thread, so you can combine in order number 1. The other would have to start from scratch, so I'll have me a class schedule.

hang it here as an experiment for next year to see if I met the two goals either a greater or lesser degree and total degree, which would be his. So I can see as far as my ability to make promises. Or to write and post. Interestingly last year also hung a Year greetings expressing my motivations "Scriptwriter, but this year upload this with intentions " self-challenging. " to see such.

Meanwhile, a great new year christmas the great Sergio Bleda , shamelessly swiped the blog of writer Francisco Javier Perez . And they pass you well in this new decade.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Princess 3rd Birthday


and on the comments:

Well OK, I'll comment. It's funny how are you photographs taken in the 1880's are present in its conception as "flawed", closer to the post-modern art to the pre-Raphaelite image that Cameron wanted to imitate. Uneven corners, dirt on the lenses focus images. Whether it was a visionary who wanted to do something different in the genre, and so duly booed her contemporaries, "or because their inexperience" amateur "has resulted in these portraits so faded and original, the important thing is that we have a very early masterpieces of photographic art.