Sunday, June 21, 2009

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Design museum scientist and science designed. Celebrating Science

Typically, the design is used in the context of applied arts and creative disciplines. This is defined as the process of shaping the thinking of the solution to a problem or dilemma, through sketches, drawings, sketches or diagrams drawn. The word comes from the Italian design disegno, drawing . Represents the future, the graphical view of the future. What is the work already done, what to do, is the project and the previous process of finding solutions to the issues raised by the project design.

Often, the design partner on the runways, buildings or appliances ... but if tempted by curiosity analyze its definition, we realize that in fact the design is something much more everyday. Miles are the problems faced by the science and mathematics: How is our Solar System, What is the DNA structure? How better distribute the weight of a cathedral? ... And a thousand others to technology: What is the best design for the wing of an airplane?, How to create an interactive platform?, How to develop a new software application? ... In all these situations there is a previous search for solutions, there is a scientific or technological design.

We approached the design to science ... but what you look like a bijective relationship?, what if I get close science to the design?. I, personally, I would be very interesting!

In my travels around the world, museums, shops and the Internet ground to search for objects to play with science. My friends and family have joined the curious crowd, and ended up being a great little fun that has filled my house of junk like: Pencils, the number e (2'7182818284590452354 ...), t-shirts with the number π (3 '1415926535897932384 ...), hanging made with capacitors, pending the infinity symbol (\infty) ...

Sure, it all started in those kinds of electronics in that Aina and I started to look at the LEDs, resistors and capacitors with a new look ... Suddenly, those members of the circuit we showed its colors and its magic ...

In fact, in 2 of BUP, and had studied the color code of resistors:

Gradually, Aina and I started to populate our ears with green LEDs, resistors of 1300 (Brown-Orange-Red) or 80 (Grey-Black-Black). It was less the value of resistance as its pictorial harmony.

Anecdotally, I'll explain one day I went to buy resistance to a hardware store in Reus. I had done the math ... wanted a resistor (violet-blue-green), unfortunately did not 7.6 x 10 6 . The clerk told me I had to choose between other securities or attempt to place them in series (one after the other) or parallel (with two common terminals) to add that amount. I was not sure what combination would look better hanging from my ears ... so I asked him the show ... I've never seen someone with such a look of surprise!
My dream would
that someday, La Mandarina could deliver omni and amps in the form of jewelry and costumes, the whole world!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

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uses the phrase "giving airs" to indicate excessive conceit or vanity of a person.

But what is a conceit? It is a crown of white wool be historical, from which hung two ribbons, tiaras like ecclesiastical dignities. The conceit was a sacred symbol and indicated that an animal was offered for sacrifice or an object placed on the airs that were dedicated to the deity. The conceit was used by kings and priests of antiquity and the Greek era, specifically, those who were dedicated to gods like Apollo or Diana.

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This weekend is celebrating the third edition of the Science Festival in the Parc de la Ciutadella de Barcelona. In these two days, trees, soil and grass of the Ciutadella share your quiet and warmth of spring with Galileo Telescopes , theremins , pendulums, tops, science theater, and this time, computer programmers and Scratch .

I think initiatives like this, organized by the Municipality of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bare a great way to start a dialogue between science and technology professionals and citizens.

Personally, I enjoyed those activities that have managed to get away from the Power-Point presentations and speeches contrived, those who have been able to speak in a language close and listen to your partner.

In my walk, I stayed entertained with the shows they were capable of mixing science, humor and acting skills to the evolutionary leap out of the life out of water.

enjoyed the explanations of why flies plane, why a rocket taking off or what Newton's 3rd Law: The Law of Action and Reaction. This law states that for every force acting on a body, it performs an equal force and direction, but in the opposite direction on the body that produced it. And although it might sound outlandish, it is because humans walk, because the soil has on us and forward the same force as we do against him back or that the rockets fly to the moon and the fireworks reach our heaven.

I would also like to highlight the presence of eStudiolo Pendulum and many gadgets Galileoanos or Newtonian ... Or congratulate the organizers of the talks can explain what fossils? o Computers do only what we ask?

Want to know more? All these activities, had a team of young journalists from different schools in the city of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich transmitted live or recorded (as connectivity) all that was happening. Magnificent! Children, young, old, parents, grandparents, nieces and grandchildren, all had some incentive to participate in a bit of science.

And despite my joy amid so much generosity scientific ... to me, I still have something to say on the drawing board ... A small criticism, and not the Science Festival, which seems an incredible idea, but the Science or scientific , or who like me, we are dedicated to popular science . And it makes me wonder ... while How about how much more dialogue and monologue?, How much space left to the real actors, who get excited about science and how much space or invade invaded who do science?

Science was created to give us answers, entertain in the path of knowledge and help in our day to day. Science does not appear to be just the treasure of the few, not even to famous names or great publications subpoena. Science is innate to humans. Des that we are born we test, analyze, experiment, again, we come to conclusions ... It is society with its artificial classifications, methodologies, outdated, and slogans fraudulent ... gradually alienates people from their desire to understand. Luckily, we did not convince everyone and separates us forever. Who has not felt like returning to study physics, biology or technology as a Museum of Science or a technology center will fascinate experiments that seem magical or impossible? You only need to remember what moved us to understand and explore when we began our careers as scientists.

And what is my proposal for this diversion of roads? First, go down to Earth ... that even to speak of the sky need actors earthlings, then listen and answer questions without a "this is complex," finally leave space ... and above all be happy to share and to learn because the desire for knowledge are for everyone and no one knows more or less ... Know different things!

And lest I be my own writing and obtuse with a monologue ... I keep hitting my keyboard and eyes and ears open to your comments ... For a tangerine is not sweet, not acidic, but in the taste of the test!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

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Nurse .... Access and openness

Behind this word is a long history, which is good to review. From its shape and its meaning: First, although the word is the masculine and feminine, this office has been occupied mainly by women, with what is usual (was) exceptional nurse and the nurse, while in the upper section, which has normal been exceptional doctor and the medical. This means that following the traditional, high-level work has cornered the man, as he has left the second-class women.

So much for form. As for the meaning is clear: a nurse is the person who goes directly to the patient and doctor for help. The fact is that the doctor had to be considered with the patient. In fact the invention of the surgeon The manual worker to patient care and cures do him. The barber was the natural assistant physician. The idea that the physician contact with patients must be sporadic enough to exercise a connoisseur, but never carer of the patient, is ancient, and still remained in full force. To care for the sick in the hospital or in the cynical, the nurse was invented.

But not the whole evolution of the name and office: until the 60's exercise of ancillary medical activities not regulated by law. There was a professional degree in nursing. It was created by both the title and given academic consistency. Wanted to give more status to the profession. They felt that the name of nurse and nurse did not have enough class, so I switched to the Sanitary Technical Assistant (ATS). It was the time when the teachers are not just like your professional name and became known as General Basic Education Teachers. Anyway, he grew the professional, academic and salaries of nurses and nurses to the hospitals felt they had to limit the number of these, and therefore their functions: stop being carers and carers of the sick, to become stewards of injections, medication, responsible minor cures, temperature controllers and blood pressure, etc., ie have a contact with the patient in Business plan medical technician. Therefore had to invent a new professional to fill the gap left: the auxiliary, on two levels: the technical specialist and technician, nursing assistant, to deal with the sick. Source:

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Both verbs do not exist, therefore are not accepted by the RAE

access certainly is not accepted as a verb, but as action. For this reason your sentence is correct, you should not say, for example: "I can access the computer from my boss", but you can say "I have access to the computer of my boss." Exactly the same applies to opening. Neither of the two verbs are accepted by the SAR, so its use is not justified and should be avoided. How unpleasant sounds when financial centers invite us to opening an savings account!
Please do not use these verbs, because they are not accepted by the Royal English Academy (RAE) ... yet.

access. 1. m. Action to reach or approach. 3. m. Entry into or passage. 4. m. Entry to treatment or communication with someone. 5. m. Rapture or exaltation. 6. m. Med rushed or repetition a morbid state, periodic or not, such as cough, dyspnoea, neuralgia or aggression.

opening. 1. f. Action open. 2. f. To act first, or give it back to the tasks of an assembly, to studies of a corporation, to shows of a theater, etc. 3. f. Favorable attitude to innovation. 4. f. Attitude of compromise in the ideological, political, religious, etc. 5. f. Ceremony to take your statement a closed will and publicity and authenticity.

To use action verb, not the example shown at the beginning, then you can say "I can access the computer from my boss" because access is equivalent to having access. The same can be said in a financial institution, "we invite you to open a savings account."

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Fact or echo?

Too often are faced with the uncertainty of writing or not hache, as certain homophones (sound-alike, but differ in the writing and meaning) are more problems than others and I think that "fact and echo "ranked among the top. It is necessary to analyze the word before writing, the analysis must focus on whether it is verbal (done is the past participle of the verb do), obviously if it is not, then do not carry axes.