Sunday, June 21, 2009

What To Put In A Thank You Email Title

Design museum scientist and science designed. Celebrating Science

Typically, the design is used in the context of applied arts and creative disciplines. This is defined as the process of shaping the thinking of the solution to a problem or dilemma, through sketches, drawings, sketches or diagrams drawn. The word comes from the Italian design disegno, drawing . Represents the future, the graphical view of the future. What is the work already done, what to do, is the project and the previous process of finding solutions to the issues raised by the project design.

Often, the design partner on the runways, buildings or appliances ... but if tempted by curiosity analyze its definition, we realize that in fact the design is something much more everyday. Miles are the problems faced by the science and mathematics: How is our Solar System, What is the DNA structure? How better distribute the weight of a cathedral? ... And a thousand others to technology: What is the best design for the wing of an airplane?, How to create an interactive platform?, How to develop a new software application? ... In all these situations there is a previous search for solutions, there is a scientific or technological design.

We approached the design to science ... but what you look like a bijective relationship?, what if I get close science to the design?. I, personally, I would be very interesting!

In my travels around the world, museums, shops and the Internet ground to search for objects to play with science. My friends and family have joined the curious crowd, and ended up being a great little fun that has filled my house of junk like: Pencils, the number e (2'7182818284590452354 ...), t-shirts with the number π (3 '1415926535897932384 ...), hanging made with capacitors, pending the infinity symbol (\infty) ...

Sure, it all started in those kinds of electronics in that Aina and I started to look at the LEDs, resistors and capacitors with a new look ... Suddenly, those members of the circuit we showed its colors and its magic ...

In fact, in 2 of BUP, and had studied the color code of resistors:

Gradually, Aina and I started to populate our ears with green LEDs, resistors of 1300 (Brown-Orange-Red) or 80 (Grey-Black-Black). It was less the value of resistance as its pictorial harmony.

Anecdotally, I'll explain one day I went to buy resistance to a hardware store in Reus. I had done the math ... wanted a resistor (violet-blue-green), unfortunately did not 7.6 x 10 6 . The clerk told me I had to choose between other securities or attempt to place them in series (one after the other) or parallel (with two common terminals) to add that amount. I was not sure what combination would look better hanging from my ears ... so I asked him the show ... I've never seen someone with such a look of surprise!
My dream would
that someday, La Mandarina could deliver omni and amps in the form of jewelry and costumes, the whole world!


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