Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pathophysiology Of Submucous Myoma

The science is out there

Two entries in one day! Unheard of, but is that the universe provides material for inspiration at every moment. And I do not I can only share with the world. Who is not excited is because he wants ...

This afternoon, I was working quietly when I received a call from a friend. Find a window, balcony ... and looks at the sky, I said. A huge rainbow enveloped the city of Barcelona. Or rather, two arcs enveloped the city. The Rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that causes the appearance of a continuous spectrum of light in the sky when the sun's rays pass through small particles of moisture contained in the atmosphere. This continuous spectrum of light is seen as a multicolored rainbow colors red, orange or yellow on the outer and blue or violet toward the inner part. A less common phenomenon is the Double Rainbow, which includes a second fainter arc with the colors reversed, ie red on the inside and violet on the outside. And that is exactly what we have seen this afternoon in late October. It was incredible! It was beautiful!

The rush, the excitement and inexperience, may not have allowed me to take pictures of the height of the event, but I promise, no kidding, start short courses in photography. Nature is so incredible that we must be prepared so that it can capture, steal a moment in time and perpetuate the phenomenon for those which have not been lucky enough to see it. Obviously, there's nothing like the experience, the case in a solar eclipse Emotion, ephemeral feeling of magic is not replaceable with an image ... but it helps to remember, or if you have not ever seen, to imagine.

F and l i z A c r or I i r s d or l b e !

Rushed Train Groping Vedeos

The Exploratorium, a dream, a utopia come true

I will say that I have already discussed this, and you have reason, but that the Exploratorium is given to a thousand entries. It is a place, is an idea, a dream that reinvents itself, which teaches us that we love, sharing, asking for our interaction and captivating ... If your steps will lead to it, and I mean not only the building but also the concept of revolution, and there is no turning back.

In July I returned from California with a suitcase full of books on science, exhibitions, technology, inventions, biographies ... Gradually the pile of books is losing altitude and I'm devouring pages. These days I'm reading the biography of Frank Oppenheimer: " Something incredibly wonderful happens. Frank Oppenheimer and the World I made up" by KC Cole.

The science writer KC Cole gives us his experiences about Frank, entertains us with the interviews he did to countless people who knew the creator of the Exploratorium, we engaged with the whole fabric of his life and seduces us with science you breathe. It is a wonderful book and very inspiring. Through him, we meet a character almost invincible exile exceeded academic, economic hardship, political disillusionment and misunderstanding of the less visionary. But with his optimism, enthusiasm, his contagious enthusiasm and curiosity got the bare essential for science to make people around him.

Frank was a great researcher who participated in the most important discoveries of nuclear physics at the time, but also was a farmer, he taught school, was the founder of the Exploratorium. Frank Oppenheimer did not believe in science away from people, or elite expertise. He believed that everyone can have good ideas, the enthusiasm for learning is innate to humans, but sometimes you have to rescue some positive practices. The important thing about science is not so much the accumulation of data, but the ability to be critical, curiosity, courage, enthusiasm, desire to understand, the ability to do ... All these qualities are the product of an experience, a way of life. Those who were lucky enough to be near him, could see it first hand. All that time and space have not been favorable to us to be with him, have his work. But not only his work as a building and museum (no collection), but his thinking, his philosophy, his generosity with knowledge, his game, his desire to share.

I remember when I worked as a high school teacher used to tell my students that a scientist is one who is curious, courageous and hardworking ... In reading the biography of one of the most famous physicists of recent times, I realize that Frank met these requirements perfectly. He was a man infinitely curious, brave and tireless worker.

Frank was a visionary, a person capable of combining science, art and mystery. He used to say that the best way to teach science was to make addicts of knowledge, just as people came to understand poetry, with that same magic, they would understand the science. And all that dream was born in the classrooms of a secondary school, all that utopia made reality by the end of the sixties ... 40 years ago! In

reason of this great celebration, the Exploratorium offers activities, proposals and celebrations. The centennial will find on the web. A delight for the senses:

ANNIVERSARY Exploratorium 40

You can also participate and share with them your photos on Flickr. Because the scientific culture is everyone. Enjoy it!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How Long Does It Take To Get Probate

AR Looking for a job in the classifieds ...

company with new sales system asks ladies driven to new consumer products ...

Taken from the classified ads in a national newspaper.

With the understanding that the owners of this business need "push" the product you want to sell, they should have used the term "driving" even though you hear strange is the correct way to write and speak.

In the dictionary of the Royal English Academy (DRAE) booster there is no word, however, it is the word driver, radio and says it is the person driving.

Back to the classifieds, often also find ads where they ask people "of both sexes" can we be sure what to put, but that is no guarantee that what is written or said is correct. More than one interested in the announcement could express: "I did not introduce myself, I have only one sex!" (The word means both "two"). Obviously for advertisers will be very difficult to find people with both sexes to perform the work, as this property only possessed by hermaphrodites.

The Royal English Academy, finds that this is an incorrect expression, suggesting phrases like "we need young people of different sex "," of either sex "or simply" we need young people. "