Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pathophysiology Of Submucous Myoma

The science is out there

Two entries in one day! Unheard of, but is that the universe provides material for inspiration at every moment. And I do not I can only share with the world. Who is not excited is because he wants ...

This afternoon, I was working quietly when I received a call from a friend. Find a window, balcony ... and looks at the sky, I said. A huge rainbow enveloped the city of Barcelona. Or rather, two arcs enveloped the city. The Rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that causes the appearance of a continuous spectrum of light in the sky when the sun's rays pass through small particles of moisture contained in the atmosphere. This continuous spectrum of light is seen as a multicolored rainbow colors red, orange or yellow on the outer and blue or violet toward the inner part. A less common phenomenon is the Double Rainbow, which includes a second fainter arc with the colors reversed, ie red on the inside and violet on the outside. And that is exactly what we have seen this afternoon in late October. It was incredible! It was beautiful!

The rush, the excitement and inexperience, may not have allowed me to take pictures of the height of the event, but I promise, no kidding, start short courses in photography. Nature is so incredible that we must be prepared so that it can capture, steal a moment in time and perpetuate the phenomenon for those which have not been lucky enough to see it. Obviously, there's nothing like the experience, the case in a solar eclipse Emotion, ephemeral feeling of magic is not replaceable with an image ... but it helps to remember, or if you have not ever seen, to imagine.

F and l i z A c r or I i r s d or l b e !


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