Thursday, May 27, 2010

Spandex Camel Toe Movies


Although we saw it coming, really. It turns out that Bruce Wayne Batman the original, was not killed by the saga "Final Crisis" but was giving it a spin by the time stream via a beam of malicious multivérsco Darkseid. Look at it up in the first comic in the series having a small dispute with a Neanderthal and this comes now, at the time of the Puritans, with a look to Solomon Kane.

Anyway, we already know all that die in the comic world is a mere formality.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Rabbit Is Eating My Christmas Tree


We all know the story. Hunt Stromberg Jr. is promoted to production manager of KABC and the property is "inherited" a huge amount of horror films Z class. All aberrant material for which they have paid four dollars but to be amortized in any way. What an attractive design that we can wrap this bunch of clunkers? E Voilà

Pivones Nordic "gothic style" wasp waist and make history

The tradition of the EC Comics of "horror hosts" or macabre show hosts scary stories with a macabre joke made flesh in this sexy hostess full of black humor. Maila Nurmi aka Vampira was the first and will always be considered the most legendary (a fan of Elvira could echárseme above), mostly because I never see in motion. All that has survived of his show's audience buster a chapter and this lovely intro:

But ... Was it unique? A small study in depth the great TV history shows that the concept, following Vampira, multiplied year after year which whipped bats. In the same decade that saw the character he played Murni, another was killed street cunning to viewers in the WCAU. I refer, of course, to Zacherley the "cool ghoul" of the boob :

With her makeup Lon Chaney to Mr. and jokes about necrophilia, the character played by John Zacher Vampira rivaled in popularity in America of nuclear threats and went to place a musical hit with his invaluable "Dinner with Drac " .

Looking up and down the curve of the phenomenon "horror host" the summit was given primarily in the 60 and 70, declining in the 80's but never disappear, because cable channels and movies are two very bad things always exist, and such is the number of hosts in those years and come at this website:


... You can take a look at how many of these horses in history have been. I leave here a small gallery with some of the vintage and I say, hoping we meet again in the crypt next week. MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA!








Monday, May 17, 2010

Kinds Of Business Agreement

DIO who art in Heaven (1942-2010) EIGHTIES

last week and yesterday Frazzetta Ronnie James Dio succumbed to stomach cancer was made public late last year. He has left a singer mystical seeker of spirits, kill-Dragon, creator of the fist and the horns, brown as beasts glaring Ritchie Blackmore and Toni Iommi , minstrel of heavy, huge entertainer of audiences to which he handled with a turn of his hand, lyricist full of rainbow, tireless campaigner and, above all, one of the best musicians in the history of Hard Rock (and if we remove that phrase "Hard Rock" still correct).

Nearly forty years have passed since the release of the debut album of "Elf" (1972), which was one of the first exhibitions to fame of the above. Produced by Roger Glover (first indication that the singer would end up little big part of the saga Purple), the elven home was beginning to glimpse the ladies like a knight by the lake, wizards and dragons, but especially the desire of breaking a gentleman's small in stature but destined for greatness. A toast to the greatest and a chronological journey through my three favorite albums, a trilogy in which round-burst eardrums with his magic:

-RAINBOW "Rising" (1976)

I put the
"Rising" because I have to choose only one of the three masterpieces of study group solo Ritchie Blackmore Dio recorded with frontman . This album was the second of training, involving the total settlement imitated a thousand times "style Rainbow" with enigmatic melodies, influenced by classical music, lyrics that tended spiritual and lashes to roll in the instrumental section of those who leave their mark. In tandem issues of composition, the dual-Dio Ritchie is, for me, at the height of the Gilmour-Waters or even the McCartney-Lennon , or it could have come out of there having walked together could have been glorious. As shown songs like "Run With The Wolf" and hard monolithic psychedelic opening "Tarot Woman" that leads to a riff of which are driven, instrumental extension Stargazer in an epic theme-recorded excessive pachas the Munich Philharmonic - that left in some of the experiments panties rock of Zeppelin the macarreo of "Starstruck" , finally, an album that you can not post or to remove anything. SUBLIME.

-BLACK SABBATH "Heaven And Hell" (1980)

When Ozzy Osbourne
came fluttering of British hard rock combo horrifying (in a good way), Iommi, guitar and alma mater group played the respect of the hearing recruiting a cantande opposed to his predecessor. What he was most charismatic Ozzy before voice, transmuted into a Dio vocal cords as a locomotive and a greater presence in the compositional process. "Heaven And Hell" , besides giving many turns in quality and experimentation of the last three albums with Ozzy ( "Never Say Die" is a great album, but certainly not stand the test of time like the present one ) the sabbatical negrunos agreed to a whole new audience bounced to the success of Rainbow and other attracted by the sudden eruption of song structure and melody without rave within the Black. The result? Another cornerstone of high-flying, from the progressive cane of "Heaven And Hell" , the good vibes blackish "Lady Evil" , the rage-and then released, the "Children Of The Sea " and several other musical monuments.

-DIO" Holy Diver "(1983)

Experience and its give and take with all the colleagues with whom I had previously led in this, his first solo album and another referring to hard rock history. The perfect mix of Rainbow and Black Sabbath have resulted in a seamless collection of anthems that are still chanted in any place where sound. The issue title, reminiscent of the Sabbath "Heaven and Hell" - the vital and exciting "Do not Talk To Strangers" , the beauty of "Rainbow In The Dark" , the shot at full speed of "Stand Up And Shout" the groove of "Straight Through the Heart" ... words are unnecessary.

are only three indispensable, those who will be remembered by ad aeternum ", but should not miss the other discs recorded with Rainbow (including direct), or the " Mob Rules " of the Sabbath, as original, monolithic, nor "The Last In Line" alone. So many.

In these cases the pain of those who follow him is even greater because his voice was still in perfect condition at 67 years. It is true that his last few albums were a bit repetitive and too repetitive, with the same themes and melodies that made him famous. And his performances used to go over and over again the same issues, without any new play or musical I got to live up to their classic songs. But do you know? Now I would love to take out a new album, "I would like their quality or lack thereof," and give money to return to sing the same repertoire for the umpteenth time ... But in the end. As always in these moments, to think in absolute truth that man is gone ... but not quite. There are discs and dvd's more than enough to demonstrate that it is present.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Movies Camel Toe Spandex


I was one to which the Kings sent this "seeing" ugly doll perspective, making me the happiest brat. He had his Bat-rope and everything (that was 5 cm, by the way)

If you like a little bat-eighties nostalgia, today one can read my rave on the link below the blog estupendísimo


A collation of this blog Special "Movies that marked" , in which I participate delighted. What memories!

The Joker had it too, though I cracked the leg and had to stick it with glue.

As for the crap advertised ... The first comes directly from the Cannes Film Festival the exclusive web Shock Till You Drop. It turns out that the tireless Dario Argento announced in January to begin filming his version of Dracula ... in 3D! Apparently filmed in Italy, set in the time-no-moderneces and faithful to Stoker's novel (ah. .. how many times I heard this phrase). Finally, in the above link to the web You can see the awful (ugly) poster that the Italian director made in the festivalillo to advertise the event. A few years ago our illustrious Vicente Aranda also expressed his desire to make a final version of the quintessential vampire novel, but fortunately it appears that after a drunken night he forgot the matter. Thank God.

As for the second jet, look how cool the cover of yet another book published by the editorial Zombies Dolmen. The police-zombie pose reminded me of someone:

COMORRR "? Borraaasho that pease of reaching and design, Coward! JARRLL!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Coments On Heroine Boobs

Frazzetta's Lullaby

seems that Mr. Frazzetta has decided to go travel to new worlds to embellish with your stylus. In the farewell we can only thank him for several things:

By making the most exciting adventure and "pulp" come alive before our eyes:

Tarzan one up to our imagination run wild:

For a movie cojonuda:

For a gallery of horrors to make your hair stand on end:

For a movie poster really sugarcane:

one female sharing designed to make us blood boil:

for giving the final Conan:

For these and many other things.

Thanks again, Frank .