Saturday, May 1, 2010

Older Women 60 Big Boobs


all know that "In Cold Blood" , masterpiece Truman Capote is one of the first "nonfiction novels" or book dramatized reality they were written, and to date remains one of the best. Not only is fascinating context in which the work was born, with its background research on crime by Capote and his friend Harper Lee writer - but the fact of how, thanks to the construction of this monument literary have become legendary events which could have been another of the many butchers have taken place in the American South. A land given to excess and enough bloodshed, which has given us so much joy to fans of the genre black or "american gothic" and that Capote's prose (also magnified by the fact of turning a tragic event real literature) becomes rough, sieved with a chilling character study that makes us pry into the lives of all, criminals and victims, in the end, legarnos one of the most powerful arguments that have been written about the neglect of a creative society of monsters, unable to protect fragility of the American dream into a nightmare likely to become the first exchange and protection of a white lie, the death penalty as a solution, as fragile as the lives of the Clutter.

But speaking of this novel take pages and pages, because you can also highlight the naturalistic portrait of a neighbor, who knew the Clutter poor who do not hesitate to mistrust each other before the actual arrest guilty. But not only the Clutter was murdered in cold blood and not just his murderers were executed in cold blood. Also the author of the book notes, with his magnifying glass disturbing fiction, and dissects "cold blood" only too common in every part of the world that, despite the disruption caused him to Capote was writing " stands as a cold, precise and disturbing black and white portrait that transcends both fiction and reality. As sinister as the crime scene photos. A winning graphic testimony in chill thanks to the boom in grace of Capote:

I leave you with an excerpt from the book:

"In that time, not a soul in the village heard them asleep ... four shots in total
, ended six human lives. But then, ordinary people,
hitherto confident enough to not lock the
night, she found her imagination recreated again and again .., those explosions that lit dark
fires of distrust, which many old neighbors glow
looked strangely, as if it were known "


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