Monday, February 9, 2009

Skin Looks Like Scratches

Miss Mandarin travels at a speed ...

time ago I worked as a teacher of high school students in mathematics, physics, technology and other subjects ... I remember I enjoyed preparing for the examinations and not because they do exceedingly difficult, but because I liked to put custom questions. I think, you could even say that some of my students waited impatiently to read the new statements. I used the names and the boys and girls in class to name the characters of each problem and the possible problems related to their hobbies. For example, if Joan wanted to be a pilot, an exercise in cinematic would Boeing 747 aircraft , for example, driven by Joan. if Felipe, Oscar and Albert liked the music, they found a disk that turned so many revolutions per minute (rpm) in the attic of his grandmother. And so on ...

Why did I tell you? First, because I think it's a good strategy for exams ... Laborious because every time you think about the group you teach, but very constructive. And second, because today I feel like I've been a cinematic examination of live and direct. Miss Mandarin, myself, I'm back to drive! I have set in motion!

The movement is defined as change the position of a body over time on a referral system. This system is a must! If not I have, I can not perceive the movement ... In fact, although it would not cars, in recent years, I moved. I moved on foot, by bicycle I moved, I moved the bus ... And you know how more I moved? Spinning around the sun! But he never noticed ... not me, not you, because our whole system of references, the earth revolved around the Sun ..

Returning to Earth, with our fixed reference system and focusing on the movement, say that this study can be done through kinematics or through dynamics. The kinematics equations of motion studies taking into account the position, velocity, acceleration and time. The dynamics wonders why the movement and analyzes their causes, the forces.

If you build a kinematic problem with the experience of Miss Mandarin could write ...

"Miss Mandarin in a car traveling at 50km / h. It has been 40 minutes behind the wheel. How many meters traveled? "

I recommend that you first pass all variables to the same units .. .
v = 50km / h t = 40min. (1h/60min) = 0'66h
x = V ‡ t
x = 33'333km = 33.333m

We kinematics problem of 3 º or 4 º ESO! And the dynamics ... What say? That was Newton who postulated the three most important laws!

  1. Newton's First Law, or Law of Inertia: A body maintains its state of rest or rectilinear uniform motion in the absence of forces that require you to change your status. So we know that whenever a body rotates, there is a force!
  2. Newton's Second Law or the Law of Force: The change of motion is proportional to the driving force print and occurs as a straight line along which that force is printed. This law is usually expressed mathematically as F = dp / dt = d (m ° V) / dt = (dm / dt) · v + m (dv / dt) = 0 + m · a. Ie the force is the change in momentum (mass times velocity) with time and this ends up expressing itself in most cases as force equals mass times acceleration.
  3. Newton's Third Law, or Law of Action and Reaction: With every action occurs whenever an equal and opposite reaction: that is, the mutual actions of two bodies are always equal and directed in opposite directions. Thanks to this law humans walked forward and rockets are flying! Miss Mandarin has
traveling at 50km / h through the streets of Barcelona ... We hope that this is not a problem, or cinematic, and dynamic! And that continues to circulate!


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