Monday, February 23, 2009

Pinky And The Brain Necktie

Retrieving the tables ... TECNOLAB

Do you remember those years in which mathematics classrooms were transformed into a myriad of activities to learn the multiplication tables? What a moment!

do not know ... perhaps, is just one personal impression, but I think at the age of seven or eight years, one of the most important things you learn are multiplication tables. Because these numbers aligned and grouped to symbolize the compression of the sum is much more than numbers. Have more representation and symbolism. One of them is that since you are "older." People asks you multiply, you know? And all proud or proud answer, yes, I know to the table ... and add the 6, 7 or table number you are studying at that time. That feeling of discovering the world and entering the difficult concepts, back when you learn to divide by two digits or when you clear the first unknown of your equations. But little by little, it seems to be fading and is fading ...

will not deny that the Fourier Transform studied during my college years (an application that maps to a function f values \u200b\u200b complex and defined in the line, another function g defined as follows :

g(\xi ) = \frac{1}\sqrt{2\pi} \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} f(x)e^{-i\xi\,x} dx)

also gave me a joy comparable to that of multipilicar know ... Interestingly, this math is based on a comprehensive ... no longer the sum of very tiny pieces ... Will the amounts compressed something special? Who knows!

But back to the multiplication ... That first time, and that table of 9! This weekend I went to dinner at my parents house in the middle of the field ... And it was in the mountains, my father asked me:

-Irene, You like to explain stories of science, mathematics, technology ... How do you explain your table nine? -

I accepted the challenge and will comment ... I would say that it is adding nine multiply nine times the number selected ...

To which he replied:

"Yes, theoretically I feel good ... but do you want to surprise with a ruler pnemotécnica I found online?! Look, I extend my hands and fingers are going to tell:
  • 9x1 = 9 If you shrink the dede pinky of my right hand and fingers accounts still see that I have drawn are exactly 9
  • 9x2 = 18 If you shrink the ring finger of my right hand (next to pinky), you'll see that I have a finger on your left and eight to your right, which draws a 18!
  • 9x3 = 27 This time shrug the ring finger and I will be the dede pinky and ring finger of the right hand to your left and seven fingers on your right. 27! 9x4 = 36
  • lower the rate my right hand and will get 3 fingers on your left and 6 on your right. 36!
  • 9x5 = 45 I'll be down your thumb and see 4 and 5. 45!
  • 9x6 = 54 This time, shrug the thumb of his left hand and so we will see 4 fingers of my left hand and 5 on my right hand. As you see the reflection, observed 54! 9x7 = 63
  • lowering the index finger of his left hand and then see 3 fingers 6. The 63!
  • 9x8 = 72 Now it's the turn of the middle finger of my left hand and so we get the 72!
  • 9x9 = 81 is the left hand ring which shrinks and so we are 8 fingers on your left and 1 finger on your right. 81!
  • 9x10 = 90 Getting off the little finger of his left hand only see 9 fingers ... 9 i 0 ... so I get to 90!
not you think it's great! Thank my parents for their patience in their day, helping me to see the multiplication tables as a fun game, teaching me to read and want to read everything that was written, to be curious and, therefore, to be scientific. Also today I thank you for continuing to support, to continue to surprise me with something so simple such as multiplication tables and week after week you read Newton's Tangerine!

Thanks to them and everyone else because when you share with someone your dreams, love multiplies! Multiply!


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