Sunday, March 22, 2009

Logitech Mouse Hack No Dongle


When was the last time I sat in front of my beloved MacBook to write some lines about science, life and thoughts? Ugh! Since I hardly remember ...

I feel these three weeks of silence, but within days my life has participated in several seismic shifts. With so much buzz, had me temporarily away from these moments of reflection. Yes, you can say, "Changes? Do you get scared of something so simple and everyday as the change? If the universe is just that, a succession of states, a set of changes ... Nothing is immutable. Not even the heavens! ". And how right you would have! But I would say," I know I made a small step for mankind, one giant leap personal "

What are the mystery? I'll let you I unearthed the stones ... I whisper to shout my news! For three weeks I am the new Head of Communication of the Catalan Institute of Paleontology Miquel Crusafont (ICP ). During these days I have been impressed by tiny teeth small rodents, large jaws, where each tooth was like a human fist and the enamel was still shining, histories of shrews, traces of dinosaurs histological sections of bones and petrified. Incredible!

Paleontology (from the Greek palaios = old, onto = be, logos = science) is the science that studies and interprets the history of the life on Earth through fossil remains of creatures that lived in the distant past, rigid, or activity. It falls within the Natural Sciences Share arguments and methods with Geology and Biology .

For me, all the pieces that I have been showing these days never cease to be works of art of time ... Lithographs. Impressions. Drawings on stone made from molds of the past. Beings to inhabit the same planet as you and I share today ... Died, was compacted and petrified. Natural beauty beyond the imagination of artists and storytellers. Stories papers trapped between rocks. Developments. And as always ... Changes!.

I know that in this new stage, I have to hit the books and go back to school books and lessons as researchers and professionals in the ICP, but I take it with a lot of enthusiasm and interest. I will not make this journey alone, the Institute's staff with me, but also knowing me, you, you can also go along some of my trips to the past. Curiously, many years devoted to physics, studying cone time and accepting the impossibility of travel to past and future .... and now I am immersed in the science of remote conquering the future!

Wish you good luck and promise to continue to report ...


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