Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wersalka Yes Meblotap

Taken from the book "The fascinating story of the words" Today quorum call the minimum number of members required to be valid the decisions of a deliberative or legislative body. The quorum requirement is one way to ensure that a decision can be taken by a small number of members.

collegiate bodies in ancient Rome, each new member was received by the formula quorum vos unum esse volemus (of which we want you to be one).

In modern parliaments, one of obstruction techniques carried out by sectors of the opposition is not to be present at meetings so as to ensure that the Corps did not have quorum for meetings or to vote.

Royal English Academy ©

1. m. Number of individuals required for a deliberative body to take certain agreements. 2. m. Proportion of favorable votes for there to be agreement.

panhispánico doubts
Dictionary © 2005

quorum. 'Number of individuals required for a deliberative body to take certain agreements. " Although, under the influence of previous recommendations, the majority still the quorum invariable plural, it is best to accommodate this word to the general rule and use the form quorums for the plural: "It requires all resolution to amend bylaws be adopted with the quorum and majority that the law establishes minimum. "

Note: It is common to find, for example, in minutes, notes that say something like: "After establishing a quorum proceeded to start the session ...." Recall that a quorum can not set it (see below for the meaning of the verb set), but we can check (verify or confirm the number of attendees), therefore, the correct phrase should be: "After checking the quorum proceeded to log .... "

set. 1. tr. Found, institute. Establish a monarchy, a foundation. 2. Order, order, decree. 3. Leave a principle established and firm, a theory, idea, etc. 4. Internal or set up residence somewhere. 5. Self open a business or industrial. (DRAE).


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