Sunday, March 29, 2009

Green Green 13uncensored

Blue or green like a tangerine with stories

few weeks ago I went to see a show of my dance teacher, Cecilia and Joao Colacrai Costa: "Blue as uma laranja ." Trying to document photographically this post, I found the blog of the piece as uma laranja Blue "and it found some pictures of the piece made by Yoana . I chose one of them because I wanted that you could receive an instant the scene, but I encourage everyone to continue watching the other snapshots you will find in this blog.

Maybe today surprise you want to talk about dance and shows ... Do you change the Mandarin Newton by Tangerine red shoes? And while this Mandarina comes from dancer, this is not the answer. Today I want to dance and Cecilia for the movement, space and time are the protagonists of any dance. They are so artistic, as Newtonian or even Einsteinian .

Have you noticed the words? It maybe that, just a combinatorial sounds and spellings, but that lead us to the variables involved in the equations of motion or Newton's equations. Space, the Latin spatium , where they are located objects, or distance traveled by a mobile at a certain time. Time physical scale that measures the duration or separation of events subject to change. Speed \u200b\u200bis the physical quantity expressing the change of position or space, depending on the time:

\vec v = \frac{\Delta \vec x}{\Delta t} = \frac{\vec x_f -\vec x_i}{t_f-t_i}

Acceleration is the change in velocity with time!

 a= \frac{v-v_0}{t-t_0} = \frac{\Delta v}{\Delta t}

And with this we already have all the ingredients to compose space. This is one of the most heard expressions on the kinds of Cecilia ... " Compose space! " And it is that physics, science is not free or beauty or subtlety ... or is stored in the textbooks. Physics is in every corner of the planet, in every action of life and at every turn of an orange. Science is everything and is nothing ... is only one way to look at the world and an attempt to explain what we have seen. Cecilia

reminds us to think about the millions of addresses that cross us, reminds us that the arms have intent ... Do you know what we talking about? Vector! Cecilia vector calculus does every time the queue is attached and moves gracefully around the room, Cecilia vector calculus does every time he walks and buy an orange. A vector is nothing more than a physical quantity with a length (a measure, or number of steps you walk), address (a fastball that moves) and effect (whether up or down the street, if walk to the right or left, look to where your nose) defined.

Not to mention the moment of inertia or rotational inertia. The moment of inertia is a scalar quantity, expressed with a single number (not as vectors that need for more information) that reflects the mass distribution of a body or system of particles rotating with the axis of rotation. The moment of inertia only depends on the geometry or shape of the body and the position of the axis of rotation. A dancer has more inertia by extending its arms to the side and therefore turn more slowly. If, however, contracts or arms rises, its mass gets closer to its center and therefore the center of rotation, and thereby reduces the moment of inertia, the resistance to rotation and increase its speed rotation.

We came a new term: the center ... Cecilia would insist ... " not forget your center! ." And no wonder, and our center of mass behaves as if all the mass of our body was placed there. Do you remember the problems of physics at school? All particles were about specific ... And has anyone seen a point running, dancing or eating oranges? No! These points walkers, dancers and eating oranges were other things that approximations. Physics of bringing live art ... And so far not doing too badly. Most often, the mistake we make considering that a human is a cylinder is so small that it is not worth engaging in a million calculations and complications include all the details, if in the end, getting just seven days later, a result very close to the estimate.

You see? The dance is physical and chemical ... (Another day we can talk about the reactions that occurs in the body dance), and anatomy and biology and is everything and is nothing ... because the universe has no labels, and because the only thing that changes is the eye looks.

"We name things in an attempt to re-invent the world from their names. As if all things exist by definition. Each description is a potential suggestion. Language reveals ways in limits, cuts to classify and define the issues. The im-possibilities of language invites us to reflect on other stocks. So, we started to compose a path for everything. A turning point, a context where the object in question could live, exist. from point A minimum build their probabilities. Point by point. And probably likely to reach potential, balancing between fiction and what they insist to call reality. "

(These are the words of the show sheet ...)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wersalka Yes Meblotap

Taken from the book "The fascinating story of the words" Today quorum call the minimum number of members required to be valid the decisions of a deliberative or legislative body. The quorum requirement is one way to ensure that a decision can be taken by a small number of members.

collegiate bodies in ancient Rome, each new member was received by the formula quorum vos unum esse volemus (of which we want you to be one).

In modern parliaments, one of obstruction techniques carried out by sectors of the opposition is not to be present at meetings so as to ensure that the Corps did not have quorum for meetings or to vote.

Royal English Academy ©

1. m. Number of individuals required for a deliberative body to take certain agreements. 2. m. Proportion of favorable votes for there to be agreement.

panhispánico doubts
Dictionary © 2005

quorum. 'Number of individuals required for a deliberative body to take certain agreements. " Although, under the influence of previous recommendations, the majority still the quorum invariable plural, it is best to accommodate this word to the general rule and use the form quorums for the plural: "It requires all resolution to amend bylaws be adopted with the quorum and majority that the law establishes minimum. "

Note: It is common to find, for example, in minutes, notes that say something like: "After establishing a quorum proceeded to start the session ...." Recall that a quorum can not set it (see below for the meaning of the verb set), but we can check (verify or confirm the number of attendees), therefore, the correct phrase should be: "After checking the quorum proceeded to log .... "

set. 1. tr. Found, institute. Establish a monarchy, a foundation. 2. Order, order, decree. 3. Leave a principle established and firm, a theory, idea, etc. 4. Internal or set up residence somewhere. 5. Self open a business or industrial. (DRAE).

Blue Rim Around Brown Eyes

First Quorum

A subscriber questions. If it is correct to use the word "first", since he believes that if so, we should also use second, third, etc.

Online Dictionary of the English Royal Academy (twenty-second edition) provides the following responses:

1. Adverb. Previously, early, before all else. Also used as an adverb of order.

1. Adverb of manner, unusual. Second.

1. Adverb of place, rarely used. Third.

1. Adverb of manner, outdated. Fourth.

The fifth word is not in the dictionary.

Clearly, then, that it is correct to use the word "first." The following meanings, which appear registered in the dictionary as "unusual", "rarely used" and "obsolete" in our country do not employ. When we need to prioritize something, say, first, second, third, etc., But if only we will refer to one thing, it is not wrong if we use "first", according to what it said the DRAE.

Source: Royal English Academy

Monday, March 23, 2009

I Accidently Swallowed Ajax

Working .... Diabetes

If the job is to torture you, know that this is a concept as old as the origin of the word, that comes from the Latin work, which gave us work, working and laboratory, but tripalium, which was the name of a feared instrument of torture.

Source: The fascinating history of words.

How To Make Vezon And Kardas Bionicle

not need be a doctor, so that caught my attention the different ways that you hear about the pronunciation of this serious disease

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Logitech Mouse Hack No Dongle


When was the last time I sat in front of my beloved MacBook to write some lines about science, life and thoughts? Ugh! Since I hardly remember ...

I feel these three weeks of silence, but within days my life has participated in several seismic shifts. With so much buzz, had me temporarily away from these moments of reflection. Yes, you can say, "Changes? Do you get scared of something so simple and everyday as the change? If the universe is just that, a succession of states, a set of changes ... Nothing is immutable. Not even the heavens! ". And how right you would have! But I would say," I know I made a small step for mankind, one giant leap personal "

What are the mystery? I'll let you I unearthed the stones ... I whisper to shout my news! For three weeks I am the new Head of Communication of the Catalan Institute of Paleontology Miquel Crusafont (ICP ). During these days I have been impressed by tiny teeth small rodents, large jaws, where each tooth was like a human fist and the enamel was still shining, histories of shrews, traces of dinosaurs histological sections of bones and petrified. Incredible!

Paleontology (from the Greek palaios = old, onto = be, logos = science) is the science that studies and interprets the history of the life on Earth through fossil remains of creatures that lived in the distant past, rigid, or activity. It falls within the Natural Sciences Share arguments and methods with Geology and Biology .

For me, all the pieces that I have been showing these days never cease to be works of art of time ... Lithographs. Impressions. Drawings on stone made from molds of the past. Beings to inhabit the same planet as you and I share today ... Died, was compacted and petrified. Natural beauty beyond the imagination of artists and storytellers. Stories papers trapped between rocks. Developments. And as always ... Changes!.

I know that in this new stage, I have to hit the books and go back to school books and lessons as researchers and professionals in the ICP, but I take it with a lot of enthusiasm and interest. I will not make this journey alone, the Institute's staff with me, but also knowing me, you, you can also go along some of my trips to the past. Curiously, many years devoted to physics, studying cone time and accepting the impossibility of travel to past and future .... and now I am immersed in the science of remote conquering the future!

Wish you good luck and promise to continue to report ...