Friday, July 24, 2009

Melacare Or Melalite Cream Is Good?

Equations "broken?

There days held be physical, and thus not material I mean, no, but having spent a few years to a natural science discipline that studies the properties of space, the time the matter and energy and their interactions . These are the days when I feel happy that we could be questions about how what we are, where we came from, where we are and what we are made ... Are the moments when I get excited remembering the magic of mathematics or checking the beauty of the universe.

Other times, however, usually more practical, everyday, in which would not have been trained in scientific thought ... Moments when Plato seems to me the number one enemy of modern happiness. What is what tortures me? What I dislike? ... Or ... What is it that leads me to disappointment?

The Incredible World of Ideas! Certainly, experts in philosophy, know this subject much better than me ... In fact, I intend only to outline the "torturing" Platonic theory: The world of ideas or intelligible world makes a clear division between the physical world, material, changing and imperfect, and one composed of ideas or impressions of these objects, immutable. This second world is considered by the author as perfection, close to the greatest virtue, goodness, the idea from which objects are constructed physicists who are merely imperfect copies of these impressions.

Physicists, like many other scientists, we also have our own conception of the World of Ideas. This world is full of equations, expressions and relationships. It is the world of mathematical models. The models are simplifications that make a complex and intractable object into something simpler and explore, through scientific methods. The models are very useful and have been very useful to assist humanity in understanding the world. Although not know if they are the only path to understanding. Still, it is true that if we were to have into account all the endless details of each object of study, I would never even to enunciate ... But of course, one thing is to simplify and get the other comical situations as described by the first story which is explained in Fundamentals of Physics to get to the University:

There once was a cow that gave little milk and its owner decided to call several scientists to help him find a solution.
biologist replied

- "No problem, do a genetic study of the cow and their parents ..."
To which the chemist said
- "Well, maybe we could analyze the feed and water which is fed ..."
When the physicist said:
_ "Look, it's better for us to imagine a spherical cow of radius leg and constant density in a gravitational field."

can not help, just watching the cows unsteady as open systems that exchange matter and energy with the outside ... Obviously, I'm exaggerating!, But if it is true that simplify, model, and above all, becoming the world intelligible, creating ideal models, just leading a kind of idealism, Platonism and "disappointed" if you are not aware of process intrinsic to the method.

For example ... want to study the air. A mixture consisting mainly of oxygen and nitrogen in gas state. We can focus on any of the two components and go find one of our laws and equations ... The ideal gas law!

The law ideal gas equation of state is the ideal gas, a gas composed hypothetical point particles, without attraction or repulsion between them and whose collisions are perfectly elastic (retain the momentum and kinetic energy) . They are wonderful ideal gas, but are nonexistent! The gases are gases that surround us real ... And agree that there are some, like the monatomic gases, which at low pressure and high temperature, have a lot of behavior that approaches that of an ideal gas ... but ... authorities remain platonic, abstract entities, fictitious entities ... authorities disappointing ...

Perhaps, this is a hypothetical problem and that is myself building my own "ideal conflict on idealism" ... I want to make a call to physical Mandarin s. .. And .... also physicists Is there in you asymptotic trend towards the construction of utopias (which Waslala , a great novel Gioconda Belli, by the way) and never reached expectations?

Otherwise, if no one involved in my conflict, would package revise my assumptions and my theories ... but ... if one, only one of you help me in this ongoing creation of " ideal worlds" and " real frustrations," he would give, from today, a spherical cow, a human infinite cylindrical thread, which led for years, in my luggage.

If you want to read more stories like that of the cow, or extend the reading on the model, the prejudice, the scientific method, among others, has just published Claudi Mans an interesting book with a very suggestive title: Spherical Cow. Health

all and I was not discouraged ... To evil is nuanced and crannies!


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