Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Nippels From Favor Of Love

I do not see, do not see ... Who does not see us?

Has anyone seen the invisible man ? No clear ... by definition is not visible ... but does anyone has considered whether the invisible man could see us?

To be the invisible man would need to pass through your body, all electromagnetic radiation for the visible spectrum. That is, all the light for the kind of radiant electromagnetic energy that can be perceived by the human eye. In this way, everyone else could see through it and not feel his presence. In other words, the body of an invisible man not absorb any visible light.

To see, our eyes need to capture a signal in the form of visible light, and in doing so, they themselves become observable by others. To view we have to let us see. If the retinas of invisible man must be transparent, without the possibility of the visible light passes through these can not capture any information. Well, no, no ... They could not capture the information we obtain visually: shapes, colors ... Perhaps, could absorb other electromagnetic radiation: infrared, ultraviolet ... Thus, things we would not see, as the temperature of the bodies, but never know what color is tangerine.


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