Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What Happens In Masterbation

Internet: learn about it ... Or about her? Visitors

"is capitalized or lowercase?

QUESTIONS?: Is he or is she? Should I write with a capital or lowercase? What I found is this:

Panhispánico Dictionary of Doubts of the Royal English Academy, says:

Internet. "Global network of computers or computers connected through a special communication protocol." Functions as a proper noun, so that in the most widely used of all the Hispanic, is capitalized and without initial article: "will install public telephones with Internet access." "Internet addicts talk about their benefits without end." If you must use preceded item or one factor, it is preferable to use the female form (the, a, etc..) As a feminine generic name network, the English equivalent of English net: "No one can say how it will be the Future Internet" . English is pitched voice ([internet]), so the pronunciation should be avoided antepenultimate [Internet], which corresponds to English.

The following article I took it from: Internet http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet

a method of decentralized interconnection of computer networks implemented in a set of protocols called TCP / IP and ensures that heterogeneous physical networks function as a single logical network, worldwide. Its origins date back to 1969, when he established the first connection of computers, known as ARPANET, three universities in California and one in Utah.

Unlike what is commonly thought, the Internet is not synonymous with World Wide Web (WWW or "Web"). This is part of Internet, one of the many services offered on the Internet. The Web is a much more recent information, initially developed by Tim Berners Lee in 1989. The WWW uses the Internet as the transmission medium.

Some of the services available on the Internet, apart from the Web, are remote access to other machines, file transfer, electronic mail, electronic newsletters, online conversations, instant messaging and file transfer.

The gender of the word Internet is ambiguous, according to the Dictionary of the English Royal Academy. However, to be "Internet" a proper name, it is recommended not to use paper.


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