Sunday, January 30, 2011

How To Open Line Lg U890

interviewed Pablo Delgado

Pablo Delgado bare ...

* How long have you been into music professionally?
- I started working in the music industry back in 2006. My first steps were recording session for any producer, ringtones imitating other artists (Justin Timberlake, for example), etc ...

* What do you prefer, music or acting?
- The interpretation is a wonderful world and I miss it occasionally, but the immediacy of music, and personal involvement that makes it definitely makes me stick with the music. I can be me and nobody else.
* You've done many different choirs cantantes.Con who you like best work and why?
- so I guess Raphael mythical character, and Alejandro Sanz for allowing me to get on the stage at the Palacio de los Deportes de Madrid. Are huge figures, and I have left a sea of \u200b\u200bbeautiful resume their names.

* As the public will accept your new album? What prospects do you have with him?
- I think you will like. People who are interested in my music is certainly going to enjoy it. It's very unusual this country, and even a hackneyed phrase this album is me 100%. I will fight for it with all my strength, spent years preparing, and he narrated all that has impacted my life at this time. I've grown and I stripped it and him.

* How do you get inspired to compose?
- Until today, I can only write about things I've experienced, which is a huge limitation I'm starting to settle. Everything that I tell on my album I have lived very first hand, some of the topics are rugged so intimate, but not conceive of self-censorship in the creation. Generally, if something has hurt me, I put it in writing.

* Who is your idol musically speaking?
- I have so many! I tend to fall in love platonic for many artists. Georgie Fame, Amy Winehouse, Mel Torme, Burt Bacharach, Jamie Cullum, Otis Redding, Etta James, Wouter Hamel, Björk ... I could go on until eternity. All are wonderful.

* What is your criterion when choosing songs or compose your own ones for your records, or who helps or if you do it alone. I would also like to know what kind of instruments you usually have in the accompaniment of songs.
- So far I have made everything I've released, either in collaboration or entirely mine. I'm picky, and if I do not think 100% quality and do not publicly released. As with everything in my life, I seek to make a difference. Usually compose vocal melody, and with it the letter. Then imagine the type of arrangements and instruments that I would like to have that issue, I pass all the ideas and notes to the arrangers, and they have adapted to my tune. After recording in the studio. On this album I have zillions of instruments. Royals are drums, bass, electric bass, guitars, keyboards and pianos, sax, trombone and trumpet. The rest is scheduled.

* What do you think about the law Sinde? In fact, the musicians is the most piracy affects you, no?
- This is a really tricky issue. I agree to do something, but do not get along at all with this law. I think it is wrong from beginning to end. The world changes, and the music industry as well. Just bite the bullet and go through with, but to find new ways to relax. I support experience (such as testing the free release of my single "Think of You"). The "all free" is impracticable, my record has been expensive, and hope to recoup that money somehow, but things as they are now, we have a path very hard in front of my contemporaries and me. The worst stand us, who try to make our way right now. Especially the soloists. People believed that the solution is to live the live and not record sales, but when you're not a group you have to pay the musicians, and therefore it is almost impossible to make money with a concert. I am willing to pelarme ass working, but not see it that way, I imagine will be falling by the wayside.

* Speaking of music, you continue programs such as OT? What do you think? This edition who is your favorite / oh why?
- If I follow. To me it is an entertaining and could be Big Brother or any other Reality. I do not consider them to reflect on all the music scene, and I never submitted to a competition like this, and as such I take them. Little seriously. I do not feel respected industry in these programs, but they are entertaining. Always use this simile: It's like eating a Big Mac, you know it sucks but it is tasty and occasionally nothing happens. Although I have no clear favorite, but Alexandra sings well and is a darling girl.

* What do you think of Eurovision and its competitors?
- Eurovision amuses me immensely. Shared flat with a great big Eurofer and in those years I learned everything and more about the festival. I think a great platform, and although Spain is taken somewhat seriously as it is a great show that some countries send their top stars. I would not miss not for all the gold in the world.

* What has been the gift of all you have done since we started this journey in the music that made you dream or you have seemed funnier?
- The fans always make me photo montages, or move on their own to promote my work. Anything that involves dedicate a single minute of your time thank you from the heart, is much more than I can ask.

* A city in which you want success?
- Only one? London, Paris, and Tokyo.

* I love black cats ... but how many animals you have at home?
- are my weakness! In my parents' house (I live in Madrid, and they in Zamora), we have 30 cats and 10 dogs. We're big animal lovers and have always been part of my life.

* Tell us a passion confess that not the interpretation or the music.
- Cooking! I can spend hours designing and preparing recipes. Even fashion, and film, and reality shows, and sports ...

* What do you think distinguishes you from other singers?
- I'm not the prototypical singer guitar in hand, and protest songs, I write about myself because that's all I really know. I like big productions, aesthetic care, and the peculiar sound which I think my music is. I would like to play an instrument as most of them, though.
* What this means for you "Think of yourself?
- Just yesterday I thought how much I define this issue. It is the most pop I've composed, not as personal as the rest perhaps, but could not be more marked with the letter I've written for her. It was my first single, the first time I throw something 100% mine, from music to the clip, and the reception could not have been better. Furthermore, and most interesting of all is that I like!
* Where would you like your career aims? More to be an artist to minority audiences and become a great commercial artist.
- This does not think that at this scale can be something that I choose. The album has proved a good pastiche of real issues and other 100% jazzy pop, so I think I can stay halfway. There are those who interpret this as a mistake, but for me it is perfect. I hear from the more commercial pop, even the rarest vinyl Chet Baker ... makes sense, go.
* Who do you want to share a song?
- On the record I have only one working with Norykko, a singer and friend of immense talent. A public level, one can not tell you who I like and do not imply that I die of fear (the artistic ego is so.)
* What genre do you think you could never explore?
- The heavy metal, and pop-rock guitar standard. They are the least related to my taste and therefore would make them fatal.
* Many people have asked about Paul Delgado ... How would you describe yourself artistically speaking to those people who still do not know you?
- Pablo Delgado me! A pastiche of influences and sounds, resulting in something peculiar, entitled "Slow" and that will be sold in the first weeks of February.

Download "Think of You"

Many thanks to Paul D. for answering this interview!;)
Crak're VERY big! (L)


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