Sunday, January 30, 2011

Natural Denise Milani

Summary Protected (1 st and 2 nd season)

Well, who did not see this series, I will summarize a bit as it is and what has passed. Jimena , had a daughter with powers. I could see the future. One night I dreamed that some men wore it. The mother did not believe him and let him go, until it happened. Desperate not to search for clues, anything to find her daughter. Until he meets Silvestre, who has a daughter who also has powers. In this case, is called Lucia and read people's thoughts. He gets in touch with Jim , and says he will move to a safe place where you can discover things. Villa Dorita . Things happen, and ultimately, ill kill Silvestre and Jimena Carlitos meets , another boy with powers, accompanied by his father, Mario. Also Sandra and Culebra, other children. Ill go for them, can not do anything but go to Villa Dorita . There are many stories happen. Neighbors, bad, happen many mysteries. Lucas also found , another child who was living with malos.Este is a summary of the 1st season (thousand things happen, but for that you must see the chapters.

2x01 "Trust me"
Mario, after being touched by the girl Andrew, remains motionless on the ground. At the time displayed Nuria and Andrew. They say he is alive, but as not cured, can die. Jim, do not believe and takes him home. Rosa Ruhan, go weird, and investigates more than normal. Sandra returns to her parents' house, where he meets a bad guy, who supposedly is the lawyer for the parents. When up to his room, will go to a "house" where all the kids with powers. There he meets Angel, a child who passes objects, walls .. Together, they escape. Moreover, Leo knows the secret, Lucas requires a response.

2x02 "Goodfellas" with Mario
already cured, they discover a corpse in Villa Dorita. The main defendant is Andrew. To save him, Lucas turns in, but take it to the national police. Not hold much become Andrew. Mario and Jimena get out, thanks to Kay. Sandra, do not know what to do, you can not go home because the bad guys are lurking in the house of the parents, and decides to Villa Dorita, with Angel.


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