Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pinacle Drivers 4.9.4

Learning Science Contagious! Cocktails


17:04:09 to 5:07:09 p.m. This is the title of the new scientific exhibition Science Gallery, an initiative Trinity College, Dublin, Ire land. A space only where science is combined with games, music, painting, design, experimentation, gymkhana, entertainment, shopping, kisses and culture. It seems incredible that so few square meters den to be filled with so much imagination.

The past weekend I had the opportunity to visit this new proposal that will last just three months. And the Science Gallery is organized precisely as in its name indicates, as a scientific gallery. Inside the exhibits are constantly renewed. This will get a recreational comparable to going to the theater, cinema or art gallery.

Since the opening of this latest exhibition, on 17 April, more than 600
0 people have been exposed to infection of science and culture. Visitors were able to explore the mechanisms that cause the spread or the methods used by the pollution. The exhibition will present in parallel the viral, bacterial or health in general, and technological computer infections. The entire building is contaminated clothes and even center entry is through a tunnel insulation. My friend Liz pedirno nearly s that did not enter into believing that the place was really infected ... Once inside, each person receives a small chip which in principle is not contaminated, but that may be contaminated by electromagnetic waves. The game was served!

The next proposal was to give a kiss to a petri dish to learn about the bacteria that populate our acts of love ... All those kisses they accumulate in the walls of the exhibition. Before proceeding

visiting scientific and artistic proposals, we found a small shop where we could buy things as peculiar as cuddly viral. We climbed the stairs and we faced with the possibility of getting bits of our DNA extract for a study on genetic resistance to disease
ages as malaria. Asked us to get water and we enjuagáramos ingiriéramos mouth to show some of our cells epithallial. Water and cells returned to a test tube. We add salt water, some detergent and then very cold alcohol. Finally, we see little threads fine white ... It was our DNA!

(If you like playing similar experiments you can see in many science blogs such as:
And many more ...)

Surely these point, our chip was already infected! We could see a bit later thanks to a screen showing the evolution of an epidemic. Fortunately, the disinfection zone returned the health of our chip!

A biological-computer installation-art We showed how the movement of the Daphnia, the "water fleas" was related to the purity of it. A camera recorded the movement of these tiny creatures to create because of this computer music. Daphnids could hear the sounds created by his movement ... And who knows, perhaps, were inspired by him ... Who himself was inspired by the music group that was improvised from these strange notes. There was also a place for design. A dress created with pages and cover of a book of infections crowned one of the rooms. Two Danish artists had painted some beautiful pictures that brooded infection ...

And the children, who amused themselves by infecting other electronic chips, also played to build software of dubious intent ...

was an entire afternoon! Fun, scientific, challenging, exciting, awesome ... And all this was science, technology and art. Something a little tired we
H 2 O and C 8 H 10 N 4 O 2.

But do not believe that with this we had finished the day ... At night, we were called before Stag's Head, a traditional Dublin pub. There were various calls and not all receive the same information. Some had an A hand written, others an O. .. The invitation was accompanied by a request to notify friends or acquaintances and give them instructions. Thus, we see that "epidemic", the A or O had become more widespread. Once we gathered words, phrases and poems with the letters of our initials. Finally, we provide with pints of beer. The trip was worth it!

All this I tell you ... I wanted to share it, I wanted to scream! And it is a pity that in my town does not have a center like this, nor science is alive in this way. I give applause to Michael John Gorman, the director of the Science Gallery, for being so brave and creative! And I encourage everyone to make a visit to the Irish capital will no longer lose enthusiasm INFECTION!

But for those who can not go ... Here's the video of the opening ... Enjoy it!


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