Saturday, February 6, 2010

Coolermaster V10 Vs Zalman Cnps10x Extreme

Course / Competition Competitions LLANES MUSIC


Cuarteto Violines


will be two types of assistance: students active learners and listeners.

Vacancies are limited to a maximum of 10 students per teacher.
Each student is entitled to a minimum of 5 classes.

All the students that are selected by the direction of course, obliged to participate in rehearsals and concerts by the Chamber Orchestra.

Specialties: Violin, Viola, Cello, Chamber Music, Quartet and Chamber Orchestra


Transcript (mandatory). In the event there are more applications than places, there will be a pre-selection according to the documents presented and shall communicate the results to make them leave before the 30-VI refund the first term, the bank charges at your expense. The admission list will be posted on our website ( before 30 June.

Seats for unlimited students and listeners will not be entitled to hostel accommodation, and must stay on their own.


Day 17: students welcome until 16:00. At 16:00 hours
presentation and delivery schedules. At 17:00 pm
course starts.
If a student arrived late, please communicate it to the secretariat of the course. Musicians Association of Asturias.

Day 31: Completion of the course at 10:00 pm after breakfast.

Class hours: from 9:30 pm to 14:00 h. and 16:00 h. to 20:30 ha.


The registration form, along with the deposit slip in the bank (or photocopy) of the first term, and transcripts be sent to the Musicians Association of Asturias before June 20, 2010. As of June 30, all documents will be sent to the House of Culture, C / Posada Herrera s / n. LLANES 33500.

Musicians Association of Asturias

C / Monte Gamonal
21-6 º D 33012 Oviedo - Spain Tel
August 1946 985 90 985 25 62 87
Mobile: 696 80 17 60 98 47 98 650 Mobile phone
Who Speaks for people in Inglés: (00 34) 659 23
66 59 Web:


square Reserve ............ .................................................. . € 125
Instrument Course ............................................ .............. .............................................. € 300
Listener ............................. Course € 120
quartet and chamber music (string instruments )......... Course € 200
instrument or Chamber Music Quartet ................. € 370
Hosting and Maintenance in the Shelter .................................. € 300

The reserve or first installment is 125 € and paid in:

Barclays Bank
C / C No 0065 1213 80 0031000076
CODE IBAN: ES84 0065 1213 8000 3100 0076
BIC (Bank's international code ): BARCESMM
C / Nemesio Sobrino, 11.
33500 Llanes. Asturias, Spain

On behalf of: International Music Course "explicitly specifying the student's name, their identity card or passport and the instrument he plays. Without this data is not valid registration.

The amount of this first term, students admitted not be returned under any circumstances. However this amount will be deducted from total pay in the 2 nd term.

The second term, the remaining amount of tuition and housing, are made in cash at the time of taking possession of the plaza at the beginning of the course.

All proceeds will be free of bank charges. DIPLOMAS

Participants will receive a diploma certifying their participation in the course.


Estate - Youth Hostel "Youth"
C / Celso Amieva, 7
33500 Llanes, Asturias. Spain.
Tel 985 40 21 90-985 40 July 1970
comfortable rooms with twin beds. Lounge.
TV Video Library. Games Room.

Located 200 m. the beach of "The Sablon".

students Quartet and Chamber Music should bring their scores and possibly the overall budget.

Students living in the hostel shall be provided with towels, hangers and all with proper dress for a concert.

Each student must bring a music stand.
younger students will be admitted of age only with authorization and responsibility of their parents.

Classes will be held at the Municipal School of Music, Casino, Institute of ES and dependencies Youth Hostel "Youth."

Places of study:

Hostel, Institute of ES, Casino and Music School.

Lodging Info: Tourist Office
: 985400164


  1. Timeliness of individual lessons, chamber and orchestra. Meet
  2. study schedule assigned.
  3. Mandatory attendance at the activities planned for the course, concerts, conferences, etc. Caring
  4. both hostel facilities as places of study.
  5. hours of arrival at the hostel 23.30 h. (Minors)
  6. not drink alcohol or smoke inside the hostel.
  7. not drink alcohol or smoke inside or outside the hostel to all students under age.

Failure to follow these rules will result in immediate expulsion from the pupil of the International Music Course Llanes. COURSE SCHEDULE

Breakfast: 9:00 to 9'30h
study and individual lessons, chamber: 9.30 to 14.00.
Lunch: 14:00 hours
Leisure 14.30 to 16.00h.
study and individual lessons, chamber group of violins: 16'00h to 18'00h
Orchestra: 18'00h. to 20.30.
Dinner: 21:00 h
Leisure: 21'30h to 23:30 h.
Lights out for all students: 24'00h.




Information highways:

León - Oviedo 118 km. A-8
Oviedo - Llanes 98 km. Total
Leon - Llanes 216 km. FROM MADRID

by Via de la Plata: All highway. Llanes Madrid 549 km. Getting

A-1 Madrid - Burgos. 237 km. N-627
Burgos - Aguilar de Campo. 72 km. N-611
Aguilar de Campo - Reinosa - Torrelavega. 75 km.
A-8-Unquera Torrelavega. 42 km. N-634
Unquera - Llanes 21 km. Total
Madrid - 447 km Llanes.

A-8 Santander-Unquera. 67 km. N-634
Unquera - Llanes 21 km. Total
Santander - Llanes

88 km along the coast from Galicia Ribadeo
N-634 - Avilés 129 km. A-8
Avilés - Gijón - Llanes 124 Km

N-634 - Avilés 17 km
A-8 Avilés - Gijón - Llanes
Total Airport 124 Km - 141 Km
Company: ALSA
combinations Main Llanes, Oviedo - Santander - Bilbao - Madrid Irun

Special Sevices summer (10/07 to 08/09): Beaches, Cangas de Onis, Covadonga, Lagos, Ruta del Cares, Canoeing.
Schedules and reservations: 902 422 242
Station Llanes: 985 402 485

Company: Major
FEVE combinations Llanes: Gijón - Oviedo - Santander
Santander :......... 94 220 95 22
Gijón :................. 98534 :.............. 24 15
Oviedo 98 529 76 56
Station Llanes: 985 401 182

Other combinations with the company RENFE:
Madrid - Oviedo
Information and reservations: 902 24 02 02

Domestic and international flights.
Information and schedules: 985 12 75 00
Distance: 141 km.

Flights to Madrid and Barcelona.
Information and schedules: 942 20 21 00
Distance: 88 km.

Domestic and international flights.
information and schedule: 94 486 96 63 Llanes
Distance: 196 km.



The Cultural Department of the Hon. Ayuntamiento de Llanes, announces the XII International Viola Competition - Cello "Villa de Llanes" in two ways:

Category A: up to 27 years.
Category B: up to 16 years.

This Contest consists of two options:
1) Specialty Violin
2) Specialty Viola - Cello

will be held each year a Specialty , corresponding in the year 2010 of Viola - Cello

This contest will take place in Llanes in the hall of the Secondary School, C / Celso Amieva s / n, from 22, 23 and August 24.

Category B:

Day 22, at 16 h. presentation and the beginning of the first test.
Day 23 at 16 pm, final.

Category A:

Day 23 at 10 h. presentation and the beginning of the first test.
Day 24 at 10 am, final.
Day 24 at 19 pm, concert and awards ceremony.

The competition for both modes are the same except paragraph 2 of regulation and the works of the tests. CONTEST RULES

1 º) The contest is open to all young violists and cellists of all nationalities, who meet the Competition rules.

2) Age limit on January 1, 2010: Category A, 27 years and Category B, 16.

3 º) The Competition consists of:

  1. Selection of participants by the organizing committee. They sent a DVD recording of two works, one by one with solo instrument and piano accompaniment, which lasted approximately twenty minutes. Be admitted to the qualifying the 12 top finishers.
  2. Qualifying Tests: Qualifying Phase
    1. Final Phase

4 º) A candidate shall, at the time of their action, a copy of the score of each work to be interpreted.

5 º) the draw for the Competition Organizing Committee was extracted G point and it will be in ascending order by the starting participants.

6 º) can involve all those competitors that have arisen in previous years, provided they have not won first prize

7 th) The organizing committee will return the entry fees to all enrollees who are unable to compete for reasons attributable to the organization, either numerus clausus , or other causes.

8) The admission list in each category will be published on the website: before June 30, 2010.

9) The applicant must confirm attendance e-mail before 15 August. AWARDS

(Method A) First prize

CAJASTUR Viola: 3,000 € and Diploma. First prize CAJASTUR
Cello: 3,000 € and Diploma.

Special Award: Concert with the Symphony Orchestra of the Principality of Asturias. OSPA.
Second prize: € 1,400 and Diploma .
Third prize: 630 € and Diploma.
Prize for the best performer of English music: 300 € and Diploma.

(Method B) First prize

Llanes City Council Viola: € 1,350 and Diploma. First prize
Llanes City Council Cello:
€ 1,350 and Diploma.

Special Award: recitals in the Music Week Cajastur , Which publishes and promotes the said Fund and the Foundation Prince of Asturias. "
Second prize: 700 € and Diploma .
Third prize: 400 € and Diploma .
Prize for the best performer of English music: 200 € and Diploma.

The amounts of awards are subject to the tax regulations.

Information for participants:
If any of the contestants to get in touch with teachers Courses for pianists who accompany them, may do so through the following numbers:

Bezrodny: 686 28 58 84


newsletter completed and signed is essential to attach:
a) Copy of ID or applicant's passport.
b) Brief CV for DVD recording and
c) Two recent passport-sized photographs, on the back shall indicate the name of the applicant.
d) proof of having paid € 60 for category A and 40 € for the mode B, in respect of registration fees. Registration fees are not reimbursed, except as established in paragraph 7 of the bases, and in no case shall refund the balance of the required documentation.

the admission was free of bank charges in:
Barclays Bank
C / C No 0065 1213 80 0031000076
CODE IBAN: ES84 0065 1213 8000 3100 0076

BIC (Bank's international code): BARCESMM
C / Nemesio Sobrino, 11.
33500 Llanes. Asturias, Spain
On behalf of: International Competition for viola-cello "Villa de Llanes", specifying whether it is for category A or B.

The registration form can completed online by filling out the form in the website and other documentation (DVD, Photos, identity card or passport and CV) should be sent along with the receipt or copy of proof of having paid the registration fee before 20 June 2010:

Musicians Association
Asturias C / Monte Gamonal
21-6 º D 33012 Oviedo - Spain Tel
August 1946 985 90 985 25 62 87
Mobile: 696 80 17 60 and 650 98 47 98 Mobile phone
Who Speaks for people in Inglés: (00 34) 659 23 66 59 Web

Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted or returned. If the organization notes the lack of any requirement may invite the interested to complete it within fifteen days, being excluded in case of default. Obligations


Because admission to the competition, applicants are required to participate in the totality of the evidence provided, the dates and times that the jury found, among which are designated for the conclusion of the competition. Failure to attend any of the tests will determine the applicant's removal.

Each applicant must be submitted provided the instrument or instruments required to participate.

All contestants bring their piano accompanist.

The organization shall not be liable in any way for any accidents that may occur to both the musicians and the instruments during the contest.

applicants are guaranteed they will not have any further disbursements to participate in the Contest, regardless of registration fees. However, be borne by the applicant's travel expenses and, where appropriate, stating during your stay to participate. Jury

The jury will consist of teachers taking part in the INTERNATIONAL MUSIC COURSE LLANES to be held alongside the competition. Acting secretary of the jury a member of the Municipal Corporation of the Municipality of Llanes. Finished

Competition tests, the jury will decide the awarding of prizes may be declared void which he deems appropriate.

In any case, are final decisions of the same, being empowered to resolve issues that were not expressly provided in these rules.

The jury reserves the right to interpret the works presented in part interrupt and if deemed appropriate.

is hereby given to the contestants that the information given on the display board will be the only valid ones.

The public will be admitted in all tests of the contest, but the president of the jury may leave the room in case of untimely or exaggerated statements, continuing the trial in private.

prohibited any recording, both audio and video. Winners Concert

Only the Organizing Committee will nominate the winners who will participate in the closing concert, if held. These winners are required to take part in that concert. If they did not give up the prize awarded and can not claim the payment of remuneration. The Committee shall also designate the parts to run. These will be chosen among those presented in the contest.


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