Friday, February 26, 2010

Should Audition For Sm Or Yg

singers and instrumentalists, BACH - MOZART - FESTIVAL 2010

His works, his contemporaries, their influences

Art Director: Oscar Castro

Call for Singers and Instrumentalists

Program: JS Bach

"Wedding Cantata" Arias "Passion According to St. John" and "Passion According to St. Matthew"
Concertos for various instruments, suites cello.

WA Mozart:
"Marriage of Figaro," "The Magic Flute", "Bastien und Bastienne"
"Night", "Exsultate, jubilate" (motet)

Instrumental Works Participating Agencies:

Orchestra and Opera Study of the Municipality of Vicente López

Cantoría University YMCA

Workshop Opera, Oratorio and Song Provincial Conservatory chamber music
"Alberto Ginastera" Moron

Opera Workshop Provincial Conservatory "Juan José Castro" Martinez

Bach Festival - Mozart 2010

Created to present the best productions of the singers and instrumentalists who make up the sponsors musical groups (see above). They are joined by guest singers and instrumentalists who perform professional practice is not rented.
The experience of the organizers in the Summer Festivals at the University of Buenos Aires and then in the Municipality of Vicente Lopez allowed a demanding schedule for completion in 2010. Some of the works presented in the festivals mentioned were: "Passion According to St. John," St. Matthew Passion by JS Bach, "Dido and Aeneas" by H. Purcell, "Exsultate, jubilate" (motet), concertos for piano and violin concertos, "Requiem," Coronation Mass "," Bastien und Bastienne, "" The Magic Flute "and" Don Giovanni "by WA Mozart, Concertos FJ Haydn cello, double bass and orchestra Concerto for KD von Dittersdorf, "Love Waltzes" by Brahms, "Indiana" and "Romance of Absence" by C. Guastavino, among many others. Over 350 musicians from across the country participated in the concerts.

Festival Orchestra musicians can join it for strings, woodwinds and keyboards (piano and harpsichord), which will join the Orchestra Study of the Municipality of Vicente López.
Registration: Until 30 April 2010.
Admission requirements: Complete the Application Form attached to this report. Audition with the director of the Orchestra, Sunday, February, March and April, at 13 pm, in the York Theatre (Alberdi 895, Olivos). Important: The concerts were canceled Sunday auditions. Scores
: We the organizers are asking, once formalized registration. The cost depends containing photocopies.
Essays: General: Sundays - 14 pm. - Theatre York - Alberdi 895 - Olivos - Pcia de Buenos Aires. Moreover, each row or instrumental group performs a partial test during the week.

Festival Chorus singers may join it in the registers of soprano (up to 26 years) and mezzo, alto, tenor, baritone and bass (30 years), which will add to the chorus coreutas sponsors.
Registration: Until 30 April 2010.
Admission requirements: Complete the Application Form attached to this report. Audition with the director of the Choir, Saturday March and April, at 20 pm., In Reconquista 439 - Capital (Auditorium YMCA).
Repertoire: "The Messiah" by GF Handel and choruses of "The Magic Flute," "The Marriage of Figaro" and "Night of WA Mozart-
Scores: It is the organizers are asking, once formalized registration. The cost depends containing photocopies.
Essays: Thursday 19, 30 h. and Saturdays 18 h. in Reconquista 439 - Capital Federal (Auditorium YMCA)

Festival can join the lead singer on the records of mezzo, alto, baritone and bass, which will join the singers of opera troupes sponsors.
Registration: Until 30 April 2010.
Repertoire: "The Magic Flute," "The Marriage of Figaro" and "Bastien and Bastienne" by Mozart
Admission requirements: Complete the Application Form attached to this report. Audition with the Artistic Director, with effect from 1 February. Order date and time of hearing to you.: (011) 4553-1485
Trials: Sunday - 11 am. - Theatre York - Alberdi 895 - Olivos - Province of Buenos Aires

concerts will take place at the York Theatre of Olives. The first three are made of 7, 14 and 28 March. Certificates

official certificates will be awarded to those participating in the Orchestra, Opera and Choir Festival and met with 85% attendance at rehearsals and concerts. Also the guest vocal and instrumental soloists.

Oscar Castro (art director): Tel 4553-1485 / Elena Katejis (Secretary): Tel: 15-4531-3494 / 4956-1736 / elekatejis @ hotmail. com

Oscar Castro: Graduated from the Higher Institute of Music National University of Litoral, where she studied singing, clarinet, piano, composition, choral and orchestral. He has taught choral conducting, voice, Choir Practice, Conducting, Orchestral Practice and Chamber Music at the National Universities of San Juan, Coastline, Northeast and Buenos Aires. In the last organized and directed the choir of the UBA (1984-2002), the Intensive Music Courses (1989-2002), the Camerata of the UBA (1991-2002), Summer Music Festivals (1992-2002) and Opera House, UBA (1996-2002). He currently serves as professor of "Taller de Opera, Oratorio and Song chamber music" at the Conservatorio Provincial de Morón, "Opera Workshop" at the Conservatorio Juan José Castro Provincial (Martinez), a visiting professor at the University Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique) and General Coordinator of the "Latin American Cello Festival." In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Municipality of Vicente Lopez was the founding director of the Polyphonic Choir (1977-84), Boys Choir (1982-83), Studio Orchestra (2003-present) and the Opera Studio (2005-present)


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