Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Making Blueprint In Computer

Trapemar chamber orchestra

Trapemar chamber orchestra convenes
string instrumentalists of all rows
(violin I, violin II, violas, cellos and bass) for the year 2010.
During this year the orchestra will include chamber music repertoire, accompanying
with soloists, symphonic and choral-symphonic.

Rehearsals will be Saturdays from 18 to 21 Hs partial tests will also be guided by a teacher of each instrument periodically. Auditions will be from March 16 in the Faculty Association Orchestra (Sarmiento 1676)

To audition you must present two contrasting works or studies (can be two movements of the same work) and sight reading to be delivered the day of the hearing (not exclusive).
Those who wish may audition with a piano accompanist, and the place has piano.

Those interested in auditioning should send an email to lucianogfalcon@hotmail.com and will be notified before a possible change of day, place or time.

For more information visit our website orchestra www.orquestatrapem.com.ar and youtube channel www.youtube.com / user / lucianogfalcon with excerpts from our concerts in 2009.

Luciano Falcón



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