Saturday, February 13, 2010

Which Actress Has The Big Breasts



28 March to April 1, 2010 - Buenos Aires (Argentina)

concerts - open rehearsals - public classes

Senior Lecturer: Eduardo Vassallo

Cello Soloist of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Professor at the UK
Royal Northern College of Music - Manchester

teaching assistants: Mauricio

Veber (children)
María Eugenia Castro (study skills)

General Coordinator: Oscar Castro
(Director of the Orchestra Study Municipality of Vicente López and Cantoría University YMCA)

Organizers: Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) of Argentina

Sponsor: Fundación YPF

Cello Latin American Festivals are intended for students, professionals, amateurs and all those who love this instrument. Consist of public classes, rehearsals and concerts in a friendly and stimulating. Five days of intense learning and exchange of experiences in the company of excellent musicians, which can also chamber music, cello and orchestra ensembles. The current sponsorship of the Fundación YPF has expanded the academic offerings and the free activities of the Festival.

Eduardo Vassallo: Born in Buenos Aires in 1961. He began his musical studies with teachers Finoli Nicholas (cello) and Ljerko Spiller (chamber music), and continued in Europe at the International Menuhin Academy (Gstaad, Switzerland) with teachers Radu Aldulescu and Pierre Fournier. At the Hochschule für Musik in Cologne (Germany) studied with the master Boris Pergamenschikov. Founding member of the String Quartet of the LRA Radio Nacional and cello soloist with the National Symphony Orchestra of Argentina. Intervened on numerous recordings by integrating the Camerata Lysy Gstaad (Switzerland), developed a passion for activity related to chamber music and performing as a soloist in Europe, America and Asia. Chairholder of cello at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester and Birmingham founding member of Ensemble, a group dedicated exclusively to chamber music. In front of major orchestras, performed solo performances in Argentina, Uruguay, Spain, Portugal, France, Switzerland, Germany, Greece, England and Italy. Since 1989 he works as cello soloist with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. Along with pianist Cristina Filoso, who formed a duo with fifteen years ago in London recorded an album for the label ASV, with great critical acclaim internationally. Mauricio

Veber: Specializing in teaching cello for children. He studied with master Nicholas Finoli and then at the Rubin Academy in Jerusalem with Shmuel Magen. Member of the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Teatro Colón and the ensemble "The Cellists of Buenos Aires." Professor of cello at the Higher Institute of Music, Universidad Nacional del Litoral and the Conservatorio Manuel de Falla. Technical Assistant in the Social Program Child and Youth Orchestra of the Ministry of Culture of the Nation.

Maria Eugenia Castro Tarchini: He studied cello with Nicholas Finoli and musical analysis with Graciela Tarchini. Sponsored by the Fundación Antorchas, the National Endowment for the Arts and various English institutions studied at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester with Eduardo Vassallo. Participated in the Verbier Festival (Switzerland) and Sapporo (Japan). He was a member of the Orchestra in May, the Academic Orchestra of the Teatro Colón and the Camerata at the University of Buenos Aires (first cello soloist). Currently a member of the National Symphony of Argentina and various chamber ensembles. He plays frequently in the Camerata Bariloche and as a soloist in front of orchestras.

Forms of participation:

1 - active participant with individual class (lecture): It involves actively sharing all activities of the Festival, with the right to a public character individual class (class master) on repertoire chosen by the students themselves. Limit: 15 (fifteen), selected by teachers of the Festival, based on the background and records submitted by applicants registered before March 21, 2010. Receive certificate at the end of the Festival.

2 - Active Participant classless individual, involves participation in assemblies cellos of the Festival, attend all activities (lectures, concerts, lectures), and the right to run the "award Finoli Nicholas (see below). Receive certificate at the end of the festival if it had complied with 80% attendance at all activities.

3 - Participant listener: It implies free access to all Festival activities. Not involved in cello ensembles can not run the "award Finoli Nicholas." Receive certificate at the end of the festival if it had complied with 80% attendance at all activities. The maximum number of participants is given listeners the ability of the room.

4 - Guest musician (no fee payable): This involves performing particular functions (piano accompanist, instrumentalist in the orchestra of the Festival, Juror, etc.).. He is also entitled to participate in other activities of the Festival. Receive a special certificate with a detail of the functions performed at the Festival.

assemblies Cellos: Will

consist of all active cellists Festival. Assemblies, consisting of eight to thirty instruments each, different codes work. Are:
1 - Assembly of Children and Adolescents (supervised by Maurice Weber)
2 - Assembly level (overseen by Eduardo Vassallo)
3 - Advanced Assembly (supervised by Eduardo Vassallo)
The parties will be sent by Email (to be studied individually) to pay 50% of tuition. Solvency in the execution of the parties will ultimately determine participation in the concerts.

Latin American Orchestra Cello Festival 2010: the winners will accompany
Award "Finoli Nicholas." Will comprise the active cellists and musicians of the Festival guests.

Piano Accompanist: The pianists of the Festival will be available for lectures and concerts. If you prefer that the participant may be presented with their own accompanist.


With free admission, is scheduled the following dates:

Sunday March 28 - 18 hs. - Theatre York (Alberdi 895, Olivos, Province of Buenos Aires). Cast: Festival Orchestra (soloists: cellists winners Award Finoli Nicholas "and class participants master).

Monday 29 March - 20 hs. - YMCA Auditorium (Reconquista 439, Buenos Aires).
Cast: Cellists of the Festival 2010.

Tuesday 30 - March - 20 hs. - YMCA Auditorium (Reconquista 439, Buenos Aires).
Cast: Cellists of the Festival 2010.

Wednesday 31 March - 20 hs .- YMCA Auditorium (Reconquista 439, Buenos Aires).
Cast: Cellists of the Festival 2010.

Thursday, 1 April - 18 hs. - YMCA Auditorium (Reconquista 439, Buenos Aires).
Cast: Cello Ensembles Festival 2010 - Festival Orchestra (soloists: cellists winners of the Nicholas Award Finoli "and participants of the lectures).

Accreditation and Testing:

Sunday March 28, 2010 - York Theatre
Alberdi 895, Olivos, Buenos Aires.
10 am: Presentation of the Festival and accreditation of participants.
11 am: Assembly Test of Advanced Level - Test for Children and Youth Ensemble (in separate rooms)
13 pm: Ensemble Rehearsal
15 h. Middle Level: Test of the Festival Orchestra and soloists selected for the II Festival.
17 h.: Break
18 h.: Concierto

Festival Hours:
Monday 29 / Tuesday 30 / Wednesday, March 31 -
Reconquista 439 - Capital Federal

h. 11-19: Lectures and tests assemblies cellos
19-20 h.: Break
20 pm: Concert
21 30 h.: Evidence of "Premio Nicolás Finoli"

Thursday, 1 April -
Reconquista 439 - Capital Federal
11 am: Assembly Test of Advanced Level - Test for Children and Youth Ensemble (in separate rooms)
13 h.: \u200b\u200bTesting the Intermediate Level Assembly
15 h.: Test of the Festival Orchestra and soloists selected.
17 h.: Break
18 h.: Concierto
20 pm: Presentation of diplomas

Entry requirements:

1 - Complete a detailed registration form enclosed with this information and send to the organizers.
2 - Pay the tuition, following the procedure explained below.

Those wishing to run as active students for master classes, must register by February 28, 2010, showing a recording and paying 50% of tuition (nonrefundable)

Award Nicholas Finoli "

During the Festival cellists will be selected among all active participants, which will be invited to participate solo in front of the Latin American Festival Orchestra Cello IV (in 2012) or in front of the Studio Orchestra of the Municipality of Vicente Lopez (Buenos Aires). The repertoire will be agreed between the winners, Prof. Vassallo and the director of the OEMVL Those interested in participating should express it in the Application Form and will be evaluated on their public classes or auditions to be held after the concerts. At the time of registration will be informed of the shift. The jury is composed of professors from renowned teachers Festival and cello and first stands of the major orchestras of the City of Buenos Aires. In addition to the usual and necessary numerical score, Each teacher made a report on the interpretation of each participant, which will be delivered in a confidential manner.

Note: I Festival (2007) the winners were:
First Prize (shared): José Araujo, Gloria Pankaeva and Matias Villafañe.
Second Prize (shared): Roberto Martínez del Puerto, Silvia Luna and Juan José Sarries
The Festival II (2008) the winners were:
First Prize (shared): Map and Juan Sebastian Delgado Sebastian
Second Prize: Matías Longo
Special Mention: Milos Seyda

Tariffs and payment methods for active participants:

The total cost of the Festival registration is $ 130 (one hundred thirty pesos) for active participants in lectures and $ 90 (ninety dollars) for other active participants in the assemblies of cellos and listeners. The guest musicians do not pay fee. For cello teachers of state institutions in Latin America to attend at least four students pay a preferential rate of $ 150 (one hundred fifty dollars) for the whole group (thirty dollars for each participant.) At the time of registration will pay 50% (to reserve a place) and the rest of the day 28 - III - 2010 at the time of registration. May be paid in the following ways:

1 - Transfer or deposit to the account of Bco. Buenos Aires Province, No. 50800866172 (owner: Oscar Castro - cuit / cuil: 20 to 10,639,172 - 7)

2 - interbank Giro account above, which CBU is 0140038003508008661724

3 - Money order payable to Oscar Castro (ID 10639172) - Jorge Newbery 2667, Buenos Aires (CP: 1426) - Argentina

4 - In cash, by 28 - III - 2010, by calling (011) 4553-1485, to agree date and place of payment in Federal Capital and Great Buenos Aires.

5 - Cash, Inauguration Day.

To track appropriate, ask inform the organizers (via mail or phone) any money or transfer is made.

Accommodation: Many cheap hostels in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Festival headquarters (Reconquista 439 - Capital Federal, in the Micro Center, five blocks from the Obelisco) are available online. If you need help or more information, please write to the organizers.


Oscar Castro (Coord. General): E-mail:
Tel (054) (11) 4553-1485 Maria Eugenia Castro

Tarchini: E-mail :
Tel (054) (11) 4777-1534


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