Sunday, December 13, 2009

Milena Velba New Vids

Identification of the sides

• If we refer to coins or medals, its sides are identified as follows: Front or face
: Surface, head side to bring the bust of a person or otherwise.
Reverse, reverse, cross, opposite the face

• But if we refer to cloth, paper or table:
Law: The side that has to be seen, which appears in the work and color to perfection.
Reverse: Back or opposite of something.

• But if it leaves (foliage), says:
Make: upper face.
back: lower face, opposite to the beam.

• If you print a sheet or other material, it is said:
kick: Side principal or initial.
Withdrawal: Secondary side or below.

is important to consider that some of these words have other meanings, they relate only to identify the sides. Concepts taken


Make My Wedding Framed Seat Chart

Libelulaverde Visit! Consuelo

The author of the blog in question, is a young Salvadoran intellectual, beautiful and in principle, tender as your heart, educated as his intellect, fine treatment, fresh and spontaneous smile that comes from his lips, and above all, a writer of high value, integral exhibiting the art of his poetry, young professional graduate, a tireless reader, graphic design studios, dedicated to both their intellectual work as household chores ... AC

How To Clean A Burnt Wok


I am of those who have chosen once and for all the way to the treasure, but the treasure itself. Willingly go with the adventurer that you ignored way to a treasure, and I will most dangerous paths, if I feel the force of the dream man. I like the energy of action that gives the treasury, and that is for me the treasure, build a city, creating a movement to unite humans, keep the faith one day achieve something higher than ourselves.


Friday, December 11, 2009

Bipasha Basu Kardashian


You will have seen that some days I do not write anything on the blog. And not that it is idle, or lazy, or that Mandarin is petrified ... Quite the contrary. The Mandarin is awake and more energetic than ever, but is ... We're moving!

Yes, movements, births, reinvention ... The Tangerine Newton reinvented in a more professional, but keep a blog Mandarin with no objective and vision science always personalized, as I have been offering up this blog today.

In January you can follow the post of mandarin ila formats WordPress . But you only find in a new format for the blog, you can also include a new meaning to your relationship with the Mandarin, because from the February 4 issue started a fortnightly podcast, science in Catalan. I say started because I will not be alone. Raimon Lapuente Tomàs Manzanares and join me and guide me in the more technical parts of the process.

But would the Super-Mouse:

- Do not go yet, there's more!

Before the first podcast out on the air, the Mandarin Newton and presentations will be held two luxury. The first will be held on January 4 , when he was born the famous physicist and mathematician, Isaac Newton, at 18h in Citilab Cornellà. The second will be hosted by the Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB ) next January 27 to 19h .

These two meetings will consist of a performance workshop where they will show some experiments "Newtonian", a presentation of Newton the Mandarin Mandarin and a toast.

For those who would pique the curiosity, the Mandarin Newton is a project that combines science and technology with other disciplines to create activities, exhibitions, events and recreational and educational objects, to encourage diverse audiences to be curious, innovative, participatory and promotes knowledge of a subject. born full of hope. Want to get all the juice to science and technology and is willing to explore the possibility of working with a variety of formats .

If you want to know more, you have to come and share the birth of such desired entrepreneurship or follow shortly on the new website of Newton Tangerine! Something with so much juice ... I do not miss it! Do you guys own? See 4 and January 27 New Year 2010!

Happy New Year and that you fulfill all those wishes that you left unfinished in 2009!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Back Pain Left Side Just Above Waist

The importance of plurality ...

Lately, I am working on an exciting project which I can not yet reveal. Well, it introduced the element of expectation, I explain what I found among the archives of Flickr and what were my feelings.

discovered I'm not alone ... and that not only I have company, but ... Have gone even beyond! It was fantastic!

Do you remember that one day I commented that I liked to make earrings with resistors, capacitors, LEDs? Nadya Peek has manufactured its own CPU outstanding!

A CPU or central processing unit, or just the processor or microprocessor, is the component in a digital computer that interprets instructions and processes the data in computer programs. The CPU provide the fundamental characteristic of the digital computer, programmability, and are one of the necessary components found in computers of any era, along with storage and primary input and output devices.

Who said that science or technology may not be the subject of design or jewelry? From Newton's Mandarin Nadya Peek would like to congratulate and thank the illusion that made me look at this picture ... At times, not always easy, knowing that you are not alone, that there are a number of people about different groups in terms similar to yours ... It is a pleasure!

Thanks Nadya!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pathophysiology Of Submucous Myoma

The science is out there

Two entries in one day! Unheard of, but is that the universe provides material for inspiration at every moment. And I do not I can only share with the world. Who is not excited is because he wants ...

This afternoon, I was working quietly when I received a call from a friend. Find a window, balcony ... and looks at the sky, I said. A huge rainbow enveloped the city of Barcelona. Or rather, two arcs enveloped the city. The Rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that causes the appearance of a continuous spectrum of light in the sky when the sun's rays pass through small particles of moisture contained in the atmosphere. This continuous spectrum of light is seen as a multicolored rainbow colors red, orange or yellow on the outer and blue or violet toward the inner part. A less common phenomenon is the Double Rainbow, which includes a second fainter arc with the colors reversed, ie red on the inside and violet on the outside. And that is exactly what we have seen this afternoon in late October. It was incredible! It was beautiful!

The rush, the excitement and inexperience, may not have allowed me to take pictures of the height of the event, but I promise, no kidding, start short courses in photography. Nature is so incredible that we must be prepared so that it can capture, steal a moment in time and perpetuate the phenomenon for those which have not been lucky enough to see it. Obviously, there's nothing like the experience, the case in a solar eclipse Emotion, ephemeral feeling of magic is not replaceable with an image ... but it helps to remember, or if you have not ever seen, to imagine.

F and l i z A c r or I i r s d or l b e !

Rushed Train Groping Vedeos

The Exploratorium, a dream, a utopia come true

I will say that I have already discussed this, and you have reason, but that the Exploratorium is given to a thousand entries. It is a place, is an idea, a dream that reinvents itself, which teaches us that we love, sharing, asking for our interaction and captivating ... If your steps will lead to it, and I mean not only the building but also the concept of revolution, and there is no turning back.

In July I returned from California with a suitcase full of books on science, exhibitions, technology, inventions, biographies ... Gradually the pile of books is losing altitude and I'm devouring pages. These days I'm reading the biography of Frank Oppenheimer: " Something incredibly wonderful happens. Frank Oppenheimer and the World I made up" by KC Cole.

The science writer KC Cole gives us his experiences about Frank, entertains us with the interviews he did to countless people who knew the creator of the Exploratorium, we engaged with the whole fabric of his life and seduces us with science you breathe. It is a wonderful book and very inspiring. Through him, we meet a character almost invincible exile exceeded academic, economic hardship, political disillusionment and misunderstanding of the less visionary. But with his optimism, enthusiasm, his contagious enthusiasm and curiosity got the bare essential for science to make people around him.

Frank was a great researcher who participated in the most important discoveries of nuclear physics at the time, but also was a farmer, he taught school, was the founder of the Exploratorium. Frank Oppenheimer did not believe in science away from people, or elite expertise. He believed that everyone can have good ideas, the enthusiasm for learning is innate to humans, but sometimes you have to rescue some positive practices. The important thing about science is not so much the accumulation of data, but the ability to be critical, curiosity, courage, enthusiasm, desire to understand, the ability to do ... All these qualities are the product of an experience, a way of life. Those who were lucky enough to be near him, could see it first hand. All that time and space have not been favorable to us to be with him, have his work. But not only his work as a building and museum (no collection), but his thinking, his philosophy, his generosity with knowledge, his game, his desire to share.

I remember when I worked as a high school teacher used to tell my students that a scientist is one who is curious, courageous and hardworking ... In reading the biography of one of the most famous physicists of recent times, I realize that Frank met these requirements perfectly. He was a man infinitely curious, brave and tireless worker.

Frank was a visionary, a person capable of combining science, art and mystery. He used to say that the best way to teach science was to make addicts of knowledge, just as people came to understand poetry, with that same magic, they would understand the science. And all that dream was born in the classrooms of a secondary school, all that utopia made reality by the end of the sixties ... 40 years ago! In

reason of this great celebration, the Exploratorium offers activities, proposals and celebrations. The centennial will find on the web. A delight for the senses:

ANNIVERSARY Exploratorium 40

You can also participate and share with them your photos on Flickr. Because the scientific culture is everyone. Enjoy it!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How Long Does It Take To Get Probate

AR Looking for a job in the classifieds ...

company with new sales system asks ladies driven to new consumer products ...

Taken from the classified ads in a national newspaper.

With the understanding that the owners of this business need "push" the product you want to sell, they should have used the term "driving" even though you hear strange is the correct way to write and speak.

In the dictionary of the Royal English Academy (DRAE) booster there is no word, however, it is the word driver, radio and says it is the person driving.

Back to the classifieds, often also find ads where they ask people "of both sexes" can we be sure what to put, but that is no guarantee that what is written or said is correct. More than one interested in the announcement could express: "I did not introduce myself, I have only one sex!" (The word means both "two"). Obviously for advertisers will be very difficult to find people with both sexes to perform the work, as this property only possessed by hermaphrodites.

The Royal English Academy, finds that this is an incorrect expression, suggesting phrases like "we need young people of different sex "," of either sex "or simply" we need young people. "

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pokemon Fire Red Gpsphone Working Cheats

Communicating ...

As some of you know, I'm Irene, Mandarin Ila, curious and playful birth. I would like to understand the why of things and the origin of the universe. Live fascinated by art, dance, shapes and colors. A Good day, I felt certain that the science and art combined in science popularization. That day I chose to work as a communicator and promoter of science. That explained in my profile and that I do day after day.

few months ago I made a post explaining my new place of employment, the Institut Català de Paleontologia (ICP ). In it, each month we have a general meeting, the PaleoVermuts , in which each team member explains their work, their progress or their personal stories. A few weeks ago, I explained the origin, the whys and the possibilities for scientific communication. I wanted to do

something different from a presentation I had seen before, so I decided to test the application Prezi . Prezi is a set of tools programmed to do sophisticated and original presentations using a completely different philosophy to the traditional. Prezi working on a plan. Simulates an almost infinite white canvas. Use the zoom and movement across the screen to highlight concepts and surprise audiences. My experience was very positive, and encourage you to tinker a bit with this application.

structure content to explain how science communication is not born of the whim of a few, but, like most cultural phenomena a cultural and socio-economic area. Attempted to raise the challenge of science to get to be present in the lives and emotions of people. And that does not mean that our day to day is not completely surrounded by science and technology, it is ... but we are with them. And finally I wanted to do a tour of the endless possibilities offered by the world of scientific communication ...

Perhaps the best way to comunicároslo, not with thousands of other words. Perhaps it is better to show you the presentation .

Once seen, if you keep talking ... And we ask ourselves whether we are doing However, if we listen to our audience, if we prioritize giving to meet new ways of understanding the world or are mandatory or alarmist, if we know all platforms, if we are rigorous, if we reach people, if they confuse open our hands to teach and share what they know to sell a bike ... Ugh! Sometimes it is so difficult to understand the scientific communication ... It seems to me that there are even moments when the other side, scientists, those who are communicating each other, but not the verb communicate, but the act of telephoning : tut, tut , tut! !

Joking aside, I find it very interesting that there people capable of bringing the knowledge we get a few with the resources of all, and also get to be complicit in future scientific careers, so we can keep learning and moving forward. So hang up the phone and start talking with each other because the best way to communicate is still present, listening and speaking on all channels and all the details!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

When Does Mirtazapine

Science is sung! Defining the definition

Today we are accustomed to divisions of all kinds. Classify living things, build countries in school studying different subjects ... Some of these categories are more or less natural or understandable. Others, however, are more dubious and artificial. All are designed by human minds.

To me, I would like to know when separated science or knowledge that they gained following the scientific method of life in general. When they decided that science was not culture, entertainment or was not or did not have space between our personal belongings. Originally, science is confused with philosophy, art and the china shop. For this reason, that science is everywhere is something that the songs sung and know science is to be demonstrated. Have you not heard?

My proposal for the new 2009-2010 school year is to start singing ... And no sad songs on the back to cole or work but humming happily on the elements, the sun, the plasma state (or solid or liquid, or gas), electric cars, or perhaps, paleontology .. . The question I leave to you to choose! Do not miss it!

amazing animation are the work, imagination and ingenuity of the group TheyMight Be Giants ... Giants of whom we should not lose or note. And enjoy the rhythm of science!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What Happens In Masterbation

Internet: learn about it ... Or about her? Visitors

"is capitalized or lowercase?

QUESTIONS?: Is he or is she? Should I write with a capital or lowercase? What I found is this:

Panhispánico Dictionary of Doubts of the Royal English Academy, says:

Internet. "Global network of computers or computers connected through a special communication protocol." Functions as a proper noun, so that in the most widely used of all the Hispanic, is capitalized and without initial article: "will install public telephones with Internet access." "Internet addicts talk about their benefits without end." If you must use preceded item or one factor, it is preferable to use the female form (the, a, etc..) As a feminine generic name network, the English equivalent of English net: "No one can say how it will be the Future Internet" . English is pitched voice ([internet]), so the pronunciation should be avoided antepenultimate [Internet], which corresponds to English.

The following article I took it from: Internet

a method of decentralized interconnection of computer networks implemented in a set of protocols called TCP / IP and ensures that heterogeneous physical networks function as a single logical network, worldwide. Its origins date back to 1969, when he established the first connection of computers, known as ARPANET, three universities in California and one in Utah.

Unlike what is commonly thought, the Internet is not synonymous with World Wide Web (WWW or "Web"). This is part of Internet, one of the many services offered on the Internet. The Web is a much more recent information, initially developed by Tim Berners Lee in 1989. The WWW uses the Internet as the transmission medium.

Some of the services available on the Internet, apart from the Web, are remote access to other machines, file transfer, electronic mail, electronic newsletters, online conversations, instant messaging and file transfer.

The gender of the word Internet is ambiguous, according to the Dictionary of the English Royal Academy. However, to be "Internet" a proper name, it is recommended not to use paper.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Youpor De Chinas En La Playa

What is a pixel? This question can catch us somewhat by surprise ... Belongs to this type of issues that children from 3 to 11 years often put on the table for adults to seek resources to help them explain that, already for many years, left to wonder. In

Tecnolab classes in Citilab , I propose a little exercise that helps boys and girls in the group to answer this question for themselves. Defining just what is the definition. Will you try?

divided into groups of three. Each member of one group receives a picture to color or fill. Interestingly, each group has its own drawing, but that the three members of the same group have the same.

Each person in the trio will perform a different action on the drawing. One member used Plastidecor colored pencils or paint your picture. Using the same colors, a second person puts gomets square (small dehesa color) very small. Finally, the third member of the group will use gomets much larger to color the same picture and following the same pattern.

With patience, everyone is working on the drawing until finally ... Got it! What happened to the image? What about the definition? We note that the picture painted in colors represent reality quite well, has great definition and details easily observed. In the second case, there are pieces in which the design is pretty well respected, but the borders and boundaries are not always distinguishable. We have lost definition and have built the image from a square that we observe in reality. Finally, the third picture is very diffuse, almost difficult to understand and many details have been lost. We continue to see these single-color squares that we see when we look at the world and this time are much higher. What are those squares? What are representing gomets in this activity?

The pixels! Yes! All the boys and girls Tecnolab reach that same conclusion, and moreover, a vetch finished the most artistic, are able to define the pixels.

A pixel or pixel (English acronym picture element, "picture element") is the smallest unit homogeneous color as part of a digital image , whether in a photograph, video frame or chart .

They do not use these words, but they say that the pixels are squares of one color that form the images displayed on computer screens or on some TVs. They also note that the definition of the images depends on the size of the pixels. If these are small enough, the image will have high definition and we will see precise and clear. If the pixels are too big, lose definition and clearly observe strange squares which are precisely the pixels! Once

seen this paper, it is interesting to contrast it with the digital experience. Choose any image zoomed to our well-known on-screen pixels.

Done! Defined! and Understood!

In the latest edition of Tecnolab, Andrea and Cristina explained their first day of class in our Blog Tecnolab Tecnolabbers . During that first hour ICT learned what they were and what were the pixels. In my opinion, your post reflects your experience much better than millions of my explanations ... and how ultimately, who matters is the user and they are part of the protagonists of Tecnolab, I recommend a visit.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Nippels From Favor Of Love

I do not see, do not see ... Who does not see us?

Has anyone seen the invisible man ? No clear ... by definition is not visible ... but does anyone has considered whether the invisible man could see us?

To be the invisible man would need to pass through your body, all electromagnetic radiation for the visible spectrum. That is, all the light for the kind of radiant electromagnetic energy that can be perceived by the human eye. In this way, everyone else could see through it and not feel his presence. In other words, the body of an invisible man not absorb any visible light.

To see, our eyes need to capture a signal in the form of visible light, and in doing so, they themselves become observable by others. To view we have to let us see. If the retinas of invisible man must be transparent, without the possibility of the visible light passes through these can not capture any information. Well, no, no ... They could not capture the information we obtain visually: shapes, colors ... Perhaps, could absorb other electromagnetic radiation: infrared, ultraviolet ... Thus, things we would not see, as the temperature of the bodies, but never know what color is tangerine.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Melacare Or Melalite Cream Is Good?

Equations "broken?

There days held be physical, and thus not material I mean, no, but having spent a few years to a natural science discipline that studies the properties of space, the time the matter and energy and their interactions . These are the days when I feel happy that we could be questions about how what we are, where we came from, where we are and what we are made ... Are the moments when I get excited remembering the magic of mathematics or checking the beauty of the universe.

Other times, however, usually more practical, everyday, in which would not have been trained in scientific thought ... Moments when Plato seems to me the number one enemy of modern happiness. What is what tortures me? What I dislike? ... Or ... What is it that leads me to disappointment?

The Incredible World of Ideas! Certainly, experts in philosophy, know this subject much better than me ... In fact, I intend only to outline the "torturing" Platonic theory: The world of ideas or intelligible world makes a clear division between the physical world, material, changing and imperfect, and one composed of ideas or impressions of these objects, immutable. This second world is considered by the author as perfection, close to the greatest virtue, goodness, the idea from which objects are constructed physicists who are merely imperfect copies of these impressions.

Physicists, like many other scientists, we also have our own conception of the World of Ideas. This world is full of equations, expressions and relationships. It is the world of mathematical models. The models are simplifications that make a complex and intractable object into something simpler and explore, through scientific methods. The models are very useful and have been very useful to assist humanity in understanding the world. Although not know if they are the only path to understanding. Still, it is true that if we were to have into account all the endless details of each object of study, I would never even to enunciate ... But of course, one thing is to simplify and get the other comical situations as described by the first story which is explained in Fundamentals of Physics to get to the University:

There once was a cow that gave little milk and its owner decided to call several scientists to help him find a solution.
biologist replied

- "No problem, do a genetic study of the cow and their parents ..."
To which the chemist said
- "Well, maybe we could analyze the feed and water which is fed ..."
When the physicist said:
_ "Look, it's better for us to imagine a spherical cow of radius leg and constant density in a gravitational field."

can not help, just watching the cows unsteady as open systems that exchange matter and energy with the outside ... Obviously, I'm exaggerating!, But if it is true that simplify, model, and above all, becoming the world intelligible, creating ideal models, just leading a kind of idealism, Platonism and "disappointed" if you are not aware of process intrinsic to the method.

For example ... want to study the air. A mixture consisting mainly of oxygen and nitrogen in gas state. We can focus on any of the two components and go find one of our laws and equations ... The ideal gas law!

The law ideal gas equation of state is the ideal gas, a gas composed hypothetical point particles, without attraction or repulsion between them and whose collisions are perfectly elastic (retain the momentum and kinetic energy) . They are wonderful ideal gas, but are nonexistent! The gases are gases that surround us real ... And agree that there are some, like the monatomic gases, which at low pressure and high temperature, have a lot of behavior that approaches that of an ideal gas ... but ... authorities remain platonic, abstract entities, fictitious entities ... authorities disappointing ...

Perhaps, this is a hypothetical problem and that is myself building my own "ideal conflict on idealism" ... I want to make a call to physical Mandarin s. .. And .... also physicists Is there in you asymptotic trend towards the construction of utopias (which Waslala , a great novel Gioconda Belli, by the way) and never reached expectations?

Otherwise, if no one involved in my conflict, would package revise my assumptions and my theories ... but ... if one, only one of you help me in this ongoing creation of " ideal worlds" and " real frustrations," he would give, from today, a spherical cow, a human infinite cylindrical thread, which led for years, in my luggage.

If you want to read more stories like that of the cow, or extend the reading on the model, the prejudice, the scientific method, among others, has just published Claudi Mans an interesting book with a very suggestive title: Spherical Cow. Health

all and I was not discouraged ... To evil is nuanced and crannies!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Cardo Akku 3,7 400mha

four museums, four different stories

This is still a very museum summer for me ... A very special summer.

Just under a year, I started this blog with a post in which he spoke of the temporary exhibition devoted to the hominids outlined in the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe . That was the August 4, 2008. This summer, in my thirtieth anniversary, 4 July 2009, I crossed the Atlantic and go to visit some museums of science and technology of the West Coast.

I spent ten wonderful days touring the California coast between Point Reyes and Morro Bay. It's been an incredible journey in which I could enjoy nature in its purest form. If you saw the way to Point Reyes deer, cows and an old lighthouse built in the late s. XIX.

During our descent along the Big Sur redwoods towards Morro Bay we saw our way through the Redwoods.

and seals, walruses, otters and squirrels in Piedras Blancas. It was very exciting!

But it was not just my birthday and nature in its wildest only actors in this journey. Centers such like the Exploratorium , the Tech Museum , the Monterey Aquarium the California Academy of Science the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art or the Japanese Tea Garden in San Francisco were also leading my fleeting visits California getaway.

Each of these Museum breathes and beats and even differently from the four science museums visited, there were none to repeat the same story.

The same July 4, excited not only by celebrating American independence, but also my entry in her thirties, visited, the most anticipated of the museums ... the father of the interactive, the nest of creativity. Yes, with the image of the Golden Gate Bridge even on my retina ... could see the logo Exploratorium. The excitement was not small ... And I have to say ... That the experience was not at all disappointed! Between those four walls and large open space that is agglutinated thousands response actions that gave thousands of questions and generated even more questions. A giant concave mirror us back a mirror image and the focal point between the mirror and the observer. The laws of physics, were mixed with perception experiments, Biology, Psychology, Art or Engineering ... The shop was also forced stop Exploratorium ... it bought the odd memory, scientific juguetillos and several books. On my desk waiting for me incredibly wonderful Something Happens, Frank Oppenheimer and the World He Made Up KC Cole and Exploratopia more than 400 experiments for curious minds developed by the Exploratorium own .

The next visit was to Monterey Aquarium. Personally, I feel a certain attraction to the world ocean, the water and the deep sea. I imagine that, as stated in the aquarium itself, the sea is the closest we get to be from another world . Still, I want to stress that the Monterey Aquarium is something special. Their motto is "explore, discover, act." In it, discuss the beauty, scientific knowledge and ecological responsibility. It consists of a beautiful and diverse museography adapted for different audiences. There are rooms designed for children, including for so small they only play with shapes, sounds and some concept. The content is multiple interactives are well acclimated, different ecosystems and pedagogically breed jellyfish exhibit is the work of living art world's most beautiful. As hives and as fascinating ... You could spend hours watching these creatures ...

Up the road we saw central vacuum systems for oil ... Finally we come to San Jose. Our stop in this city was destined to get in touch with the Tech Museum staff , who treated us with great kindness. The Tech Museum is a different museum, where the technology starts to be creative! Long ago, the Museums are seen as places that speak of the past, but do not forget that back in the day, the Universal Exhibition was a great revolution in the exhibition. Showing contemporary science, technology and gadgets of today and tomorrow. We could say that Tech continues that step forward.

And we go back to San Francisco ... the trip is over and we still have a lot to see and taste nostalgic because we know that although there have been only ten days, never forget California. Back in the city , visited the California Academy of Science . A newly renovated museum offers visitors a pecking among the different specialties with fresh formats and youth as open day with cocktails late scientific and not so scientific. Perhaps the part I would like to point out in the planetarium. An immense dome with six projectors ready to show the mysteries of the sky. And finally, an innovative green roof to visitors for all with telescopes pointing to the sun, our sun

As you can see there has been a dull moment ... rather it has been an experience that had long wished some more months ...

Once back, I attended the course Science, Technology Industrial Heritage i: i Museïtzar Store offered by the University of Barcelona. Ten teachers, including Jorge Wagensberg, Xavier Roig or Isabel Fuentes we have been approaching the concept of museum, interactive, industrial heritage ... We have explained their individual cases ... In particular I would like to congratulate Turull Emi, director of Museu Agbar de les Aigues , for its exciting exhibition and bright ideas, activities and proposals of the center. But despite 20 hours of lectures ... I have the feeling in the throat ... nothing is like experiencing the adventure yourself in a museum. Smell, touch, hear, see and judge the great pioneers and is really inspiring. If someone has the opportunity to travel to California, do not miss these four museums, with their paths stories.

In Citilab are thinking about starting a new exhibition road, but the philosophy of the center ... have to make a big dip so that we could reinvent a new concept of participatory technology exhibitions. We keep you informed ...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

What To Put In A Thank You Email Title

Design museum scientist and science designed. Celebrating Science

Typically, the design is used in the context of applied arts and creative disciplines. This is defined as the process of shaping the thinking of the solution to a problem or dilemma, through sketches, drawings, sketches or diagrams drawn. The word comes from the Italian design disegno, drawing . Represents the future, the graphical view of the future. What is the work already done, what to do, is the project and the previous process of finding solutions to the issues raised by the project design.

Often, the design partner on the runways, buildings or appliances ... but if tempted by curiosity analyze its definition, we realize that in fact the design is something much more everyday. Miles are the problems faced by the science and mathematics: How is our Solar System, What is the DNA structure? How better distribute the weight of a cathedral? ... And a thousand others to technology: What is the best design for the wing of an airplane?, How to create an interactive platform?, How to develop a new software application? ... In all these situations there is a previous search for solutions, there is a scientific or technological design.

We approached the design to science ... but what you look like a bijective relationship?, what if I get close science to the design?. I, personally, I would be very interesting!

In my travels around the world, museums, shops and the Internet ground to search for objects to play with science. My friends and family have joined the curious crowd, and ended up being a great little fun that has filled my house of junk like: Pencils, the number e (2'7182818284590452354 ...), t-shirts with the number π (3 '1415926535897932384 ...), hanging made with capacitors, pending the infinity symbol (\infty) ...

Sure, it all started in those kinds of electronics in that Aina and I started to look at the LEDs, resistors and capacitors with a new look ... Suddenly, those members of the circuit we showed its colors and its magic ...

In fact, in 2 of BUP, and had studied the color code of resistors:

Gradually, Aina and I started to populate our ears with green LEDs, resistors of 1300 (Brown-Orange-Red) or 80 (Grey-Black-Black). It was less the value of resistance as its pictorial harmony.

Anecdotally, I'll explain one day I went to buy resistance to a hardware store in Reus. I had done the math ... wanted a resistor (violet-blue-green), unfortunately did not 7.6 x 10 6 . The clerk told me I had to choose between other securities or attempt to place them in series (one after the other) or parallel (with two common terminals) to add that amount. I was not sure what combination would look better hanging from my ears ... so I asked him the show ... I've never seen someone with such a look of surprise!
My dream would
that someday, La Mandarina could deliver omni and amps in the form of jewelry and costumes, the whole world!