Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Best Camcorder Prosumer

"Angel or Demon"

Valeria going through a bad time. As seems to be at a dead end, discovers that he is an angel destined to fight against evil instructions are unclear, but it starts a new opportunity for her and no time to lose, because one of the students of the school is in a very complicated life. Harassing his companions and his father abusing his mother, so that Valeria will have to act quickly so that the situation does not lead to a tragedy. The difficulty of wrestling with the demons, which are many and very effective, will add another unexpected complication: he confuses the young especially attractive and mysterious Damien.

Valeria is a clueless teenager who receives a very low grades in high school. punishment from their parents is not able to go to the place she wants: The party where you intended to meet Damian. Valeria angrily leaves the house and sitting in a bank receives a unexpected visit. This is Iris, a girl of tender face, however, does Charmed: "You have to go to that party, the better that they die you until you die." Valeria doubt by the words of Iris but she continues: "I've never found a soul so pure." Torrential rain causes Valeria rushed back home and already there, he begins to feel sick. His eyes change color, feel very thirsty and notices a presence that touches him and pushes him to do that for you will always regret: Kill your parents. Valeria grabs a kitchen knife and executes the statement that Iris had been imposed. Immediately after it goes out in the rain, do not know what happened and go to a bus station. But no money and decides to spend the night in one of the banks of the season ... Some thugs are about to attack her but then appears Natael. "Things have precipitated, which has been forcing me to announce what you are: A Malak, a messenger, an angel ... I'd like to see them alive? This is but from now on you will a servant. " Valeria heard the words of Natael stunned, not believing in what he said, but received a book he was carrying all that had happened. Suddenly, Valeria awoke, shaken and disoriented. His mother entered the room to announce that breakfast was prepared. But it was not a dream, the book that gave Natael Valeria is on your nightstand and she still retains traces of blood on his forehead. Their mission had just begun. Although she does not say so, their eyes say it all. Valeria loses his way when crossing for Damien in the halls of school and dying to go to the party where he is. However, Damian plays: First seduces her, then kisses another, then go with Valeria but finally leaves with the other girl. Our angel is a sea of \u200b\u200bdoubt but what if you want or as you might suspect, is that Damien fallen behind to get Valeria change sides and put the dark side.

The work of the fallen angels:
The 'family' consists of four demons fallen angels: Graziela, who plays the role of 'parent', Iris, the teenage daughter, Alexia, the mother, Duna, the sweet little girl. However, Duna is but a demon than 400 years in charge of punishing Iris after failure with Valeria and capture their souls to the dark side. Meanwhile, bewitches Alexia Lorenzo, a parent who convinces them to finish with his wife and son. Lorenzo starts beating his wife, continues to do so with your child and, finally, comes to kill them both. However, intervention Valerie manages to stop it.

"Angel or Demon" add 3.3 million (15.9%) at its premiere in Telecinco


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