Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Using Headsetby Referee Fifa

"How I Met Your Mother"

In 2030, architect Ted Mosby (Josh Radnor) decides to tell his two children the story of how he met the mother of these. So moved until 2005, in which two of his best friends Marshall (Jason Segel) and Lily (Alyson Hannigan) - decide to get married after nine years as a partner. Ted makes that decision, as confirmed bachelor Barney (Neil Patrick Harris), decides to find the love of his life. Interestingly, it appears at that instant the Canadian reporter Robin (Cobie Smulders) and begins the search for the mysterious mother.

* Characters:
Theodore "Ted" Evelyn Mosby (Josh Radnor) - the lead character, an architect by profession. One of the most characteristic aspects of his personality is the fact that he thinks too, which you reproach your friends over and over again. Was Marshall and Lily fellow at Wesleyan University. Want to imitate the life of Marshall: have a serious and lasting relationship. Also have children, especially the two, a boy and a girl, Luke and Leia, in honor of his favorite movie saga. Learn sign language and has a strange obsession with pennies. Ted is halfway between Barney and Marshall, while Marshall is faithful, constant, Barney is promiscuous and fickle. Although Ted always goes in search of perfect love as Lily and Marshall are sometimes swayed by Barney.
Marshall Eriksen (Jason Segel) - Ted's best friend since college and promised Lily to start the series. Born in Minnesota. It's good-natured personality, as well as lucky in games. His dream is to protect the environment and their desire is to work as a lawyer in a firm that defends the interests of the planet, the CRN, which is why studying law. Although finishing the race begins to work as counsel in the same company that Barney.
Lily Aldrin (Alyson Hannigan) - Marshall met to begin studies at the university, and to start the series become engaged. It is Marshall's wife, a friend of Ted and Robin's best friend. Job teaching preschool children, but her dream is to become a painter. He detests the word 'moisturizing' and is also a Shopaholic (lead Marshall to accept the offer work of Barney company to pay the bills). It is also very nosy, is not able to keep any secrets and usually handle most of Ted's romantic relationships, even though deep down you do for the sake of his friend.
Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris) - Barney is the antithesis of Marshall (hates marriage and family life, among other things). His are some phrases that have become famous in America as: "Have you met Ted?" ("Do you know Ted?") Method to enter a woman, or "It's gonna be legendary" ("It will be legendary") referring to a specific event or an event to come. Another phrase is "Suit up!" ("Put a suit!") because I always wear a suit (except for funerals) and tries to convince the people around you that should turn out well. It also says "True Story" ("A true story, in Castilian") when he wants to highlight some of their theories or anecdotes, and "awesome" ("sublime") is similar to "legendary", but a present fact, the phrase "Challenge accepted" ("Challenge Accepted") has become a very popular internet meme. The rest of the life of Barney has an aura of mystery that is revealed gradually in the series: his flat, his work (you know who works in a multinational company that acquired in a takeover the Goliath National Bank but not what plays work ), or who has no father (Though he clings to the idea that competition is the host of The Price is Right U.S., Bob Barker). The obvious source of his wealth is unknown to the other players. Also performs magic tricks and is very regular at odds, no matter what you go and how much money at stake. He is also author of several books including "The Bro Code (The Code of colleagues), which shows the rules of friendship between men, and" The Playbook "(Book of the plays), in which show various stratagems to link such as "The Diver". Robin
Scherbatsky Charles, Jr (Cobie Smulders) - Canadian and reporter by profession, is Ted's first love in the series, although initially this is not reciprocated. His ideas are opposite to those of Ted does not like long relationships and children and do not want to commit, among other things. She hates shopping because the 90 was a pop star Canadian (nicknamed Robin Sparkles), and became famous thanks to "Let's go to the mall" ("Let's go shopping") and had to do many concerts in them . She is passionate about firearms and Canadian Hockey.

* Season 1:
In 2030, Ted Mosby feels his daughter and son to tell the story of how he met his mother. It begins in 2005 when the young and unmarried Ted Mosby (Josh Radnor) lived with her two best friends from college: Marshall Eriksen (Jason Segel), a law student, and Lily Aldrin (Alyson Hannigan), a kindergarten teacher , who had been partners for nine years. Marshall decides to propose marriage to Lily, and this triggers Ted begins to find his soul mate, to the chagrin of his "self-proclaimed" best friend Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris), whom he met in the bathroom of a bar, and stands out as a womanizer with a corporate job search begins desconocido.Ted perfect match and meet an ambitious reporter, Scherbatsky Robin (Cobie Smulders), which quickly falls in love. Robin, however, does not delve headlong into a relationship, and both decide to be just friends. Ted reveals the future and that Robin is the mother of his children, as it refers to her as "Aunt Robin." Ted will come out with Victoria (Ashley Williams), a baker whom he met at a wedding, it will cause Robin jealous and realize her feelings for him. Victoria moves to Germany to continue his culinary career, and she and Ted decide to maintain the long-distance relationship. Later, Ted learns of Robin's feelings towards him, and says he has ended his relationship with Victoria, despite not be true. Shortly before engaging in sex, Victoria's mobile phone calls Ted and Robin is responsible for error. Upon learning of the lie of Ted, Victoria and Robin breaks up with him angry. However, Robin and Ted finally begin to salir.Mientras both, Lily begins to wonder if he has lost opportunities in his life for his relationship with Marshall, and to resume his career in San Francisco, breaking it with Marshall. The season ends when Ted returns to the apartment after spending his first night with Robin and Marshall is sitting in the rain with the engagement ring Lily.

* Season 2:
Ted and Robin are a couple, Marshall began a period as singles, Lilly, after discovering that no artistic talents, returns to New York and Barney continue making the rounds to pick up girls. We found the latter, who loses a bet with Marshall and should be slapped five times, it has a black and gay brother named James (Wayne Brady) and believes her father is none other than Bob Barker, host of the North American version The right price, even to enter the contest. On the other hand found that Robin was a Canadian teen pop star in the early 90's with singles like "Let's go to the mall" video clip will be seen by hundreds of times. Barney the last episode, Barney Ted reveals that he and Robin have broken, but mean nothing to no role to remove Marshall and Lily on their wedding. Thus, while Ted turns back on holiday mate Barney, Robin decides to move a season in Argentina.

* Season 3:
Robin returns from her trip to Argentina with her new boyfriend Gael (Enrique Iglesias), but soon break. Marshall and Lily decide to move and fall in love with a house that can not afford. When borrowing for your new home is uncover the economic problems that Lily suffers due to impulse purchases, in spite of this, they finally get the loan, and just then discover that the house is located very near a factory given off odors, and has the uneven ground. Barney is slapped for the third time on Thanksgiving Day, named by Marshall as "Cake Day of Action." Ted tells his children that he met his mother following a story with his yellow umbrella. He found the umbrella in a pub and took him home after attending the Feast of San Patricio, where his future wife was, but did not know. Ted begins to woo Stella (Sarah Chalke), a dermatologist whom she visits to remove a tattoo scandalous this culminated in the memorable "two-minute appointment," which included a brief chat, dinner, movie, coffee, two 'travel " by taxi and a goodbye kiss-all in two minutos.Por other hand, Robin and Barney go to bed after this to comfort after a brief episode with a boyfriend from adolescence. Ted was infuriated by that and stop talking to Barney. Meanwhile, an unknown woman tries to sabotage Barney all pickups. This woman turns out to be Abby (Britney Spears), Stella's receptionist, who thus avenged Barney for not calling her after lying to ella.En the final episode after Ted and Barney gets two separate traffic accidents, are reunited in the hospital and resume their friendship. Following the accident, Ted proposes marriage to Stella and Barney discover the feelings he feels for Robin.

* Season 4:
After Stella agrees to marry him, Ted discovers that hardly know anything about it. For its part, Barney decides to tell Lily his secret is in love with Robin. This, currently working in Japan, returns to see Ted at the altar, because Stella is back with her ex-partner and father of her infant daughter. The hero then decides to create his own firm, although at first not very successful, and Barney begins to work as a member of the management team of a new acquisition of unknown company: Goliath National Bank (GNB). And despite going against his ideals, Marshall will be forced to work there also because of financial hardship by passing its matrimonio.Robin decide to move in with Ted and thanks to Barney gets a job as morning news anchor. When the former decide to have sex to avoid arguments, Ted realizes that his womanizing friend is jealous and, therefore, feels something for the reporter. But it also realizes that Lily has ruined several of his relationships because he does not approve: an example, yours with Robin.Barney, who in childhood was mocked by a colleague, meet a bet: going to bed with 200 women. When it gets this high, it begins to consider how your life will be more clear and let his feelings for his friend. While So Ted's life is turned upside when the pair of Stella-Tony takes pity on him and offered him a post as professor of Universidad.es the final chapter, Robin and Barney declare their mutual love and accepts the post Ted professor of architecture, not knowing that in their first class would be their future, and so mysterious-woman.

* Season 5:
Ted begins his job as professor of architecture disastrously: the wrong class and enters his future wife studied Economics. Meanwhile, Barney and Robin, who had sex during the summer, are forced to define their relationship if they want to leave the room where Lily has them locked. Although originally defined as a couple, Barney finally decided to break and returns to the fray with his playbook. However, throughout the chapters show signs of repentance for it. Marshall and Lily
retake the discussion of parenting. While he is ready, she believes that there is no time. The way of deciding which is to find the last doppelgänger (double) of the group: first Robin was a lesbian, then the mustachioed Marshall, later the stripper Lily and then Ted Mexican professional wrestler. Lily finally "believed" to have found the Barney-something twice questioned by the rest, and is determined to be a mother. On the other hand, the Day of Action Thanksgiving, Marshall slaps Barney for the fourth time, leaving only a single blow. The protagonist knows
Cindy (Rachel Bilson), a student who shares an apartment with his "mother" and realizes that, without knowing it, has much in common with his future wife without even knowing. After a major event in his life, Ted decides to buy a dilapidated house that eventually becomes the Mosby family home. Meanwhile, Robin begins a relationship with Don, her co-worker, but eventually he accepts a job in Chicago who first rejects Robin for being with him and end the relationship.

* Season 6:
Series was renewed on January 25, 2010 for a sixth season, which began airing on September 20, 2010. Executive producer Carter Bays, said the new season will be more like the first two seasons in terms of storytelling, and have more elements "that change the game" of the plot, starting with the first episode, "Big Days ". Barney's brother, James, has discovered who is really his father. Barney's mother, Loretta, gives it a role where the name of his father, but he breaks it does not want to know the identity of his father, but later end up to know. In subsequent chapters, Ted agrees to construct the building of the GNB, which is having to demolish a building much loved by Ted. Therefore, a protester, Zoey Pierson (Jennifer Morrison), not to overthrow the "Arcadian", tries to thwart anything that Ted does, including making students against him, but Ted and Zoey eventually become friends, which will bring problems to her husband. Moreover, Robin must work with a partner that fully eclipses and takes it all a joke. Robin leaves the job and joins World Wide News where you must work with his old friend Sandy Rivers. In addition, Marshall and Lilly are engaged in parenting and saw that Lilly can not get herself pregnant, go to the doctor Stangel who happens to be the true doppelgänger of Barney. Finally and after reviews of the sperm of Marshall, Marshall confirms that is not sterile, but after the big news, Lilly tells Marshall that his father has died of a heart attack. After the funeral, to see what Marshall meant for his father, Barney decides he wants to know yours.


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